This warlock need nerf The Azerite Snake

:point_up: This here, is a powerful example of a terrible post.

I say it’s a powerful example because I happen to superficially agree with it. I don’t think the problem was that it was bounceable, I think that makes the deck a deck, it makes it fun. I’m not going to fully explain that agreement here.

But I’m not talking agreement, I’m talking reasoning. And it’s about as close to zero reasoning as you can get with so many words. It’s basically just “Blizzard did thing, therefore thing correct.” One big appeal to authority with no evidence of a single actual brain cell engaged in critical thinking.

Literally no one is ever convinced by posts like this.

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And this here, is a powerful example of a paradox xD

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… until the next one. :roll_eyes:

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Meanwhile Genn and Baku sit in the corner laughing at the snake. Knowing that for an entire year the meta of the game regardless of expansion releases was dictated by these two cards.

Also moving it to 8 damage would put the deck back on the map of the meta and actually have control decks scared again. Not exactly a bad thing IMO.

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