This Meta would be so much more tolerable if-

Handbuff Paladin, Hydration/Jaeden Druid, and/or Wheel warlock did not exist in their current state.

Asteroid Shaman and cycle rogue can be just as intolerable at times, but they don’t necessarily block an entire control deck archetype from being viable like the the first 3 I mentioned.

Eliminating fatigue with Jaeden is just a miserable experience, it and wheel make a traditional control deck completely unable to compete unless the RNG heavily works against them. Zilliax with virus module and hydration station are insufferable on top of Jaeden eliminating the punishment of fatigue for greedy value decks.

Handbuff can get so many stats so quickly, and the tools to deal with a good-great starting hand for them do not become available until they have already snowballed.

Everything feels like the most strict set of rock-paper-scissors of any other meta. There is no all rounder that has a generally good chance against every deck thanks to the 3 above mentioned decks.

Closest thing I can say that exists in the current meta to what I’d like to see more of would be rainbow DK.

Druid definitely has the most ridiculous tools and values of anyone else. Especially with cube/greybough and zilliax/stations.

But with no viable all-rounder control deck means that all we have is aggro, or otk/combo styled decks, and whatever druid is. As I’ve said on plenty of other threads since this expac came out, the power creep has made bad RNG unsalvageable, and boy, is there a lot of bad RNG.

I don’t really know how I’d go about fixing or changing these decks. Honestly I’d like to see a limit of the amount demons to come from the Jaeden portal and then it goes away. 5-10 demons seems somewhat reasonable.

Maybe from there I’d separate elusive from the virus module for Zilliax.

Druid seems to be the only deck capable of really keeping handbuff paladin in check, but that’s only if they get a discounted Zilliax on 7.

Anyway, this meta is extremely un-enjoyable. Renethal being back was the closest to a fun and desirable meta. Kil’Jaeden really got rid of the punishments for druid having the greedy kit that it does.

Go play wild. He’s everywhere.

This goes way beyond the decks you mention and is the result of years of design choices.

I doubt you ever see much of that type of game play in Hearthstone ever again.

Unfortunately, as soon as the first OTK deck came out, wild became I place I would never go. Happily dusted my wild cards if it meant every insufferable combo/otk deck would eventually be cycled.

Unfortunate, it was the only enjoyable play style for me. That and mill.


Wow, this is not your game anymore at all if that’s what you like and you don’t like otk.

Well, Mill worked because the game was generally slow enough. The faster the game got, the less possible it became. I suppose it’s not that different from Combo/otk, but it has many many elements and tools that the control decks had.

So I guess, I like slow games and control tools. Having an answer to everything my opponent plays or being able to remove my opponent’s key cards. Reactive play style.

  1. the devs have directly stated they are removing “attrition” decks from the game

  2. Kil’jaden is really only playable in control??? Also, Wheel Lock literally is a control deck, and while it’s bad (right now anyways) it’s still literally exactly and only a control deck

Arguable. The wincon the deck is named for literally just gives you the win after 5 turns of doing nothing.

its the opposite losing to fatigue is a terrible experience kiljaeden makes it so it cant happen

improving it !

I do like the idea of Kil’jaeden- that in a control mirror, eventually the game will end not because someone drops to Fatigue damage, but because the demons are too much for one side to handle.

The main issue I have with it is that in a control mirror, the game can boil down to who draws into Kil’jaeden first.

If that’s not the epitome of control I don’t know what is.

Would wheel be more to their taste if it took 30 turns???

When I think of Control wincons, I think of cards like Headless Horseman, Primus, Sargeras, Ysera, Kil’jaeden, Rheastrasza, Exodar, or Climactic Necrotic Explosion. Cards that give you value over many turns until you can eventually wear your opponent down and put something on the board they can’t answer.

when i stared to play i was told the goal of a control deck was to control the board and drop big minions at the end…what you describe is litteraly playing big threats to win the game!

and control decks can win without playing kiljaeden first(i still think rainbow dk is a control deck)

I guess it’s not hearthstone anymore then.

This is correct, Wheel warlock is OTK with control tools. I suppose the distinguishing feature is that you can interact or prepare for all of those listed cards. Once wheel is cast, that’s it, you have 5 turns.

Disagree, fatigue is a necessary mechanic and getting rid of it with a neutral card and not just that but infinitely buffed demons every turn is ridiculous. Unbuff the demons and maybe you’d be able to sell the idea to me.

It also completely negates cards that interact with the opponent’s deck, it’s not just eliminating fatigue.

I’m sorry you don’t like how the fatigue mechanic feels, but power creep has made that almost a non-issue as is.

I do not agree with the game moving towards a flashy slot-machine sweeping turn mess. Take some feedback, developers. Your current design philosophy is awful.

OTK last I checked stands for “One turn kill”.

Wheel takes five unless I missed a patch

So basically if you were playing a different game?

You die in that one turn, no mitigation or interaction. It is an OTK. Doesn’t matter if the answer is defeat the opponent first in five turns or not. Doesn’t matter if you know it’s coming. By your argument the other OTKs aren’t an OTK because it took “x” turns for the enemy to pull it off.

I sure hope not. This is still Hearthstone, right? Not really sure what you’re trying to say or imply here.

You just made a post hating on everything in the current meta. If you change all the things on that list in a few days you will have a new list of things that are just as bad in your opinion and the cycle continues.

IE: Perhaps play a different game? Something you might actually enjoy?

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I really didn’t, I pointed to 3 decks that make the sort of deck I’ve enjoyed playing for over 10 years impossible.

What is the “deck” that you have enjoyed playing for over 10 years?

It’s in my first post. But yeah, traditional value/control decks. Outlasting your opponent and having answers to as much as possible.