This match prove warrior need be nerf more It was a lost game from the start no matter what I did, I should have just conceded the match.

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“i lost to warrior, so yall should nerf it.”

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It is not lost to warriors they clearly have everything at the moment with board clear, counter, and so on. Most games against warriors are gg for most classes because can not counter everything thrown at them. Unless you are a hyper aggro deck type warrior going to kill any slow deck.

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Lost to warrior, running to the forums.

Warrior isn’t even in tier 1. Hunter had 3 decks in tier 1, Paladin has 2.

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Why are you blaming Warrior?

I thought you said the game was rigged? If you believe it’s rigged, you can’t believe any particular class is ever too strong or OP because all Hearthstone devs would need to do to balance the game is just make the rigging better.

No nerfs ever needed. No buffs ever needed. Just make the rigging work stronger, right?

Check mate, rig claimers.


i just forced a Brann Warrior to quit on like turn 7 or 8 after he excavated some extra coins to play Brann on turn 6 with my thrown together Warlock deck, not even a muh dreaded Pain Lock deck. :flushed:

Your argument doesn’t explain how I’m the best player ever, therefore it is invalid. sticks fingers in ears lalalalalalalalala /s


You play a weak deck and did not play around AoE. There was no pressure toward Warrior in early game at all. You also mulliganed for buff targets which could not be played until they are buffed enough, and it takes a lot of time to do that.

In short, you are hoping that a slow tempo buff deck could out value a control warrior deck. That is less likely. On top of that, your opponent was lucky to draw Brann before turn 8. There are times when Brann comes to play on turn 8, and there are still times he does on turn 20. When the latter case happens, I rarely see anyone complaining.

Hand buff DK is kinda weak. If you like this style, go for Paladin. It is definitely stronger.


I played a shaman game vs warrior where I forced him to burn all his clear every turn (low cost spam shaman). The one turn he failed, I did Wave of Nostalgia and managed to get 10/10 jailer and 9/9 Rattlegore amongst other legendaries on board. Next turn he brawled, Jailer and Rattlegore survived. 18 damage to face, then I summoned a totem, Conductivity, 3x Ragnoros and another 24 to face for the win.
Totally beatable.

Oh sure, that happens every time Sham vs War.

Give me a break with your 99th percentile garbage. Warrior is stupid broken OP right now, and Shaman is in the gutter.

Wars were like a 20% wr for me this last month. They are pretty nuts rn.