This latest set is bad

Congrats Blizzard you made four different classes capable of hitting a game ending combo within the first 5 turns. completely rendering other decks useless.


I mean your assessment is possible of course. It works both ways though.

Considering review places are neutral ground and forums are NOT. I’d trust them a little more as a consumer but I could be wrong maybe fan bias is truth in Hearthstone’s case.

(I Don’t expect people to agree with me on here. Forums are for fans and the bias will always be here. You see people on every Blizz game forum defending that particular game regardless.)

nah, I’m right. I can dictate if i get matched with secret decks by the addition or lack of secret killing cards. It’s 100% predictive however in the higher tiers there’s just less people so it doesnt really get displayed that way. If you’d bother trying it at early tier levels you’d see so unless you work for blizzard how do you know I’m wrong.

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Record yourself doing this with 100% predictive accuracy and blizzard will pay you a fortune.

The fact of the matter is you actually can’t … because the match doesn’t look at cards.

Again, I would love for you to show us proof because my experience is nothing like yours. I don’t get stuck except when my skills aren’t enough. When I look at my matches, they pretty much mirror the expected matches at my ranking.

No, it doesn’t.

Blizzard has stated clearly that matching doesn’t involve deck lists. The onus then is on you to prove they are lying because without evidence you’re just salty.

And the people that give negative reviews are people that had a bad experience… and they are definitionally salty. So them attacking the game is on brand.

Are you aware that this happens in basically any and all competitive pvp games? Salty losers blame the match instead of owning their own fail… it’s actually why people keep losing - they don’t think they have any room to learn, so no learning takes place.

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Huh? I never said anything about deck lists involving matchmaking. I said matchmaking doesn’t work unless I’m the worst player in hearthstone because I’m losing way more than half the time.

You are starting to get flustered for some reason and can’t even separate who you are talking to from each other.

If Win/Loss determines matchmaking you should eventually win. Currently I’m Platinum 10 this season and out of my last 43 matches only won 5. Am I using a bad deck? Possibly but even if I am Blizzard has said MANY TIMES this system is designed to keep you between 50-60% based on Win/Loss so if I am to believe that then eventually (certainly by platinum 10) I should be winning half the time regardless of my deck or skill UNLESS I am that bad. Which I can accept if that’s the case. It’s all good.

(Also poor mechanics and design complaints have been common in ALL Blizz games for a long time. Probably since the beginning so yes I am aware it’s common for salty players to give reviews. It’s also common for fans to vehemently defend faulty products if they themselves enjoy it. I’m not going to discount either sides opinion entirely because that is dehumanizing them and their feelings on the product.)

… it doesn’t gift you wins, though. It works fine.

No, not if you actively suck. It doesn’t “force” a win or a loss in any way. Let’s be clear here… you can’t beat blizzard bots and that’s not something matchmaking can solve. There’s literally nothing they can do beyond pairing you with an AI that will actively misplay to your benefit.

This is a false assumption. You should be matched against players of equivalent skill, but you still have to not actively suck.


This is the thing, right here. I’m actively hostile to the game in many, many ways. I have been vocally critical of multiple issues related to design and mechanics in multiple formats. To hand wave it away as though, well, you’re just a fan, is to be disingenuous in the extreme.

I’m happy to bag on blizzard… when they earned it. This isn’t one of those times. The matching is fine. Players need to play.

Link your list… maybe people can help you make a better one that will win more games. If you’re lucky, one of the top 1k players around here will offer to spectate a game or three and give constructive feedback about your mulligan and choices.

That’s a good idea. I’d gladly take help. This is my current deck I play. I copied this one exactly.


Take out the () and extra / (can’t link I guess)

you can put decks in using the deck code, but you would need to take out the links.
Also, to post a link you can highlight the link and press the </> to make it Preformatted text which will allow the link to stand.

It’s a decent totem shaman list. I would drop the remixed totemcarvers in favor of anchored totems.

The anchored totems work with schooling, your hero power, mistake, tour guide, and totemic evidence for bigger plays and more resilient minions, which is one of the main problems this deck has.

I run this list, but I don’t play it much.

Totem Shaman


Class: Shaman

Format: Standard

Year of the Wolf

2x (1) Mistake

2x (1) Schooling

1x (1) Sinstone Totem

2x (1) Totemic Evidence

2x (2) Amalgam of the Deep

2x (2) Ancestral Knowledge

2x (2) Anchored Totem

2x (2) Carving Chisel

2x (2) Flametongue Totem

1x (2) Stereo Totem

1x (3) Grand Totem Eys’or

2x (3) Party Favor Totem

1x (4) The Stonewright

2x (5) Bloodlust

1x (5) Rotgill

2x (6) Thing from Below

1x (7) The One-Amalgam Band

2x (10) Gigantotem


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

I’m still struggling pretty bad. I may not be holding cards long enough to set up proper play though I dunno. Maybe during thanksgiving break I can have a good player watch my games and feed me tips or something.

I want to have fun. Even a 50/50 win rate would be cool. I hate that I’d rather play battlegrounds than standard cause standard is the format I’ve always played in card games.

What are you looking for in your mulligan?

Really the key here is to keep putting out totems, but really watch for the chance to build into a bloodlust turn. You should be finishing the opponent before turn 7 in most games. There are match ups that are bad, but really you should be pressuring your opponent.

I mean, if you just want to win, there are better choices, but you should still do okay with totem shaman.

Mostly what I aim for in my mulligan is any combo that would give me a fast start and help me out pace my opponent if that makes sense. I play it like I would an aggro deck in MTG. Fast, throw all the totems I can at them as fast as I can.

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I have a couple minutes here, so I will break out my totems and see what I find. Maybe I can figure out something.

Edit: I just played five games with the list that I shared above (I hope you clicked on the details and looked at it) and I won all five. The dragon druid was the hardest because I had to kill them before they dropped dragon golems, but I got my BL and gg. I think the biggest thing I took away is getting real value from anchor totems is the key here.

Having your weapon up, a tour guide, a mistake, and more before you put anchor in play makes all the difference. Realize that it’s also combined with schooling to be your rush removal for taunts because they are 1-cost minions.

What ranking are you playing at, btw?

Platinum 9 currently. I’m about 3W and 4L since altering it a little the way you suggested. But the 3 are in a row currently.

UPDATE: Lost 3 in a row since. Back to platinum 10 which I’ve pretty much been stuck on since Badlands full launch. Honestly it’s just not fun anymore to me so I uninstalled.

Well, sorry to hear that. I would have switched to a better deck if it was me, but if you’re not having a good time, then I agree, you shouldn’t play anymore.

sets not set…thank you for pointing that out but I fixed it for you.