This is why we need a rank reset

Players are getting minus points for reaching 2nd…
top 100 just have to never touch the mode again and their mmr will be unreachable.


Absolutely agree. Here’s a post for more context by the horse’s mouth

Now, if the changes were accompanied with an mmr reset it would make sense but you cannot have people being at high mmr disincentivized to play because you win 10 for a win and lose 200 for a loss.

There are already streamers that try to approach BG competitively that are turned off by this and i don’t know if that’s intended to push them to constructed because BG was more of a success than they hoped for (packs cough cough ) or it’s a genuine mistake that wasn’t supposed to go through in this patch as explained in the post but a hotfix or reset of mmr should be applied.

Now you can make an argument that MMR is just a number and not that important but actually people like educated collins in NA tvbebe from asia pacific have got great numbers because people appreciate watching people climb and already successful streamers like dog , RDU , kolento , thisj etc have been enjoying pushing the BG ladder .

Don’t get me wrong, the MMR system needed an overhaul and it’s a good thing they did that otherwise it made no sense and peple would just keep reaching higher MMR. Just complete the changes with the needed MMR reset to make climbing meaningful again.

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I’m quite mad there was no MMR reset.

Some of us used up our “MMR trial games” to do beta testing on stuff while it was in beta to find out bugs and find out which heroes sucked and which were good.

There’s no reason they shouldn’t reset all MMRs after the beta was over.

It’s gonna be too late to reset MMR after the beta is over, which is scheduled for January iirc. It should be done along with the new update.

If people simply keep playing then the mmr will reset itself eventually to more realistic values and that wont take all that long with this system.
But ya,if people now stop play because they lose mmr then that is a bad thing.
Its those people own decision.
They don’t want to lose points and I can understand to some extend. The points they bring in vieuwers is the argument there. Not sure if 100% true but it could hold some merits.

Its kinda smart from blizzard,now the players actually do want a rank reset lol. While if blizzard did implement these changes with a rank reset then I think the complaints would have been a lot bigger.

So yes pls,rank reset asap.

The leaderboard is actually stuck at the top when it was constantly changing the last days. People have already chosen to play on smurf accounts. Literally pointless in the grand scheme of things but still avoidable with a simple reset

I don’t know. 15 char

A solution could be a mmr penalty for not having playing x games in a month.

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Apart from the fact that those who were 10k+ are now untouchable by current system which makes competitively approaching the game pointless since the ladder is rendered moot till reset. You cannot change the system to normalize ranking closer to the initial starting point of 4k while simultaneously leaving the ones that abused the old system at 10.5 k.

In any case i give them the benefit of the doubt because the patch is fresh and they will fix that quickly i m sure. I m sure they didn’t intend for the change to go through as they stated and pretty sure that they would reset mmr when they did officially plan to make the change.

I am all for a rank reset and I do like the way the elo works now and I hope it does stay this way.
The way the elo did work was kinda ridiculous and made the game into a grind to play as many games possible instead of it being about skill.
Personally i very much prefer a skill based elo (where people will have to perform at a certain level to keep their elo) and it will be nice to see the best players rise to the top and play at the highest ratings. The streamers they shouldn’t worry so much,some of them are really good and will no doubt rise to top in any system.

up 500 points since the patch lol.

I agree, you should be rewarded for high winrate and not high number of games.

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Your rank/rating should never b going down if you’re winning a game, no matter what. In Chess you can play vs a total newb and be a GM and your rank should in theory have advance a little bit or if there is a cap/no decimal calculations then stayed the same.

Yeah. Change like that was needed definitely but doing that without MMR reset?

Sure, the game is going to sort it itself now but it might be demotivating to see you are falling to a range where you should have been rather than climbing till you are unbable to climb further.

I think you still get +points when you win. Or was there anyone to recieve -points for being 1st?

Ah yeah maybe youre right.

I imagine that there is a max possible point amount now. So if that amount was to be reached you would just get 0 points.

Except you only “win” in Battleground if you get 1st place. 4th-place players should never have their points added.

They need a full reset, first it’s beta, second the start of the BG release people were getting 1 to 20points getting 1st place…they could have been top 200 if the points were at least 50-100.

It is already confirmed that they will reset rank for >5500 MMR, no need to panic.

The rank reset will mean that everyone 5500 and higher gets set to 5500?