This is the best meta game we've had in a long time

It’s amazing how much better the game feels and how many more classes are viable now that tempo decks are playable again after the warrior and druid nerfs. It feels like an actual battle for the board early game. Every early turn has choices that feel meaningful. Almost every class has a playable deck that has multiple win conditions that can be played towards depending on the match up and game state. Game is better when slow decks with annoying non interactive cards are actually punished for having a slower strategy.


“Can’t figure out if this is sarcasm or for real”
“Are you kidding me? It’s the WORST meta ever!”
“How much did they pay you for shilling like this?”
“Oh, another Druid abuser”

→ just some of the replies you can expect xD


Good to see some positive posts. I agree, this is the best state of the game since I started playing in the academy expansion. I do wish that they didn’t take away classic mode, but there were many bots so I understand.


Please tell me this is a joke because is worst meta seen hearthstone history since stated playing from 2014. I take a break and come back with this meta making people drop like it ship going down. People stop watch esport stream because just other trash to watch.


Did you enjoy the previous metas more when we had no aggro and druid taking over the entire game? or the Unkilliax forcing the meta into all OTKs only? Actually having the cards I play each be meaningful and forcing my opponent to respond is what hearthstone is about, am I wrong?


welp Altair I think I figured it out

Usually Team 5 employees take to twitter to pat themselves on the back. Things must be real dire if they’re making threads in the forums now.

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A hunter is crying in the corner seeing this thread.

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From what I can tell from vs 301, hunter, mage and warrior don’t have a tier 1 or 2 deck at top 1k.

But when you look at D1 to D4, elemental mage is still ok for the initial climb at tier 2. Drops at tier 3 at legend and down to tier 4 at top tk (thought at top 1k spell mage eeks into bottom tier 3 /shrug)

Mage and warrior still sees a lot of play despite their low power.

So while mage and warrior can do better, yeah it’s hunter who’s really feeling down at the moment.

Not sure what hunter is missing or what in the meta is making them suffer. Nobody seems to make hunter threads these days.

I can’t tell if this is - oh wait:


stealing my thunder

EDIT: because apparently “some people” didn’t realize it - this was a sarcastic joke.

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They were being sarcastic. You meant it.

Sure, inconspicuous 1-post account.


Not my favoritestest meta but i’m having a good time at least fo sho. Then again i like adapting n homebrewing new decks so i have a good time no matter what lol homebrewin effective decks is half the fun!

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I was playing a game against Thijs today right before work, and ofc, as usual against him, the game went almost to fatique but I had to concede because I would have been late for work otherwise

I’m not sure if I would have won, but I had 2-3 fun turns ahead of me, and now I’m worried if he’s gonna think I sniped him and conceded because he drew something strong


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Do you ever not try to flex in your posts? Do you really need so much affirmation from rando’s on the internet?

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That was venting, not flexing.

So, according to your jealous primitive mind, I’m not supposed to share my experiences in the game because everyone who’s lower ranked than me will get annoyed and consider it flexing?

Does that sound normal to you? Is that fair? Do you see how your logic is twisted?

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It has more to do with perspective. Many times when i am answering a question about BG’s on here i forget my rating and just assume most understand what i am typing out. I used to have to go back and change what i typed to keep it more generalized. Sometimes a concept just doesn’t translate to someone that isn’t at the same rating. So i have to use some language that they might not understand. I would hope most reading those posts understand that the objective is not to belittle a player.

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I thought the tourist mechanic would add far more replayability than it did. Ultimately tourists just homogenized classes (which was expected) and allowed some classes to ultimately sidestep a dead expansion or in the case of hunter bury it completely.

I think the first balance change was good though and certainly increased replayability from the depths of boredom that druid/warrior was becoming, but the game has some serious deficiencies in producing interesting games and will continue to do so unless they decide to mitigate most classes being able to reliably fling 30+ damage from hand on turn 6+

Yeah sorry worst meta ever, full of trolls, cheats and bots. We know this to be true when a company bans a million accounts.

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I think Hunter is not that bad, it’s just lacking in new meta decks and people don’t want to use old cards.

R.C. Rampage is Hunter’s best card and it has won me a few games.

Epic · Spell · Whizbang

That being said Hunter has no good way to deal with the big boards of Handbuff Paladin and Pain Warlock, and it doesn’t have an OTK like some other classes do. Jungle Gym and Observer of Myths are also good cards, but perhaps in a different meta.

Rare · Location · Whizbang

Rare · Minion · TITANS · After you summon a minion with more Attack than this, give all friendly minions +1 Attack.