This is just wrong!

Hi, i do not know if something is wrong with the matchmaker but here is what i experienced today.

In one game i played my reborn paladin ( ok i am just silver 1 ) .

We start playing and the other player plays Bloodfen Raptor and Chillwind Yeti cards and all kind of other basic cards…

I find that odd but i keep playing… By turn 8, my quest is complete and the poor sod obviously has no answers to deal with a huge board of reborn minions…

That was pathetic… When i got him to 3 HP i decided to just concede and let him grab the win.

I friend him after and he accepts then i notice he is Bronze 10. I ask him why he only plays basic cards and he tells me he just started to play the game…


Well, i wished him much luck in his journey and could not stop but wonder how are players matched and if the game really tries to give us a challenging opponent.

That felt just wrong.