This is a complete waste of time!

Complete waste of time, the same person, all over again.

Hooking in unto negative criticism.

A complete waste of time.

You are right. Discussing here is pointless.
Don’t disclose anything here anymore. Collect your data. Sue them with the data you got. Present your evidence to an impartial judge.

Nobody here will convince you that you are wrong, because you have already concluded that people either agree with you, or are “paid forum lackey’s”.

But neither will you convince anyone here. Because we are all paid forum lackey’s, and we have already decided that anyone who writes critical posts is paid by MtG:A in order to get people to switch to their money grabber.

You are right. You know you are. You have all the data.
Go to court. Prove to the world that you are on to them.

Yes as said a waste of time.

You can obviously find alot of data yourself.
Instead you keep asking for it.

All you really need is common sense.
Blizzard throws these temporary files unto every user their pc.
So why ask me for data, that you can find on your own pc as well ?

If you have over a 600 posts, you must at least have spend some extended time playing this game.

If in all off that playtime you never ever noticed, some of these repeated shady match fixied issues, or insane amounts of card doubles.

Sometimes matched up against the same player 3 x in a row.
And so many other weird game behaviour.

Then either you simply are under their spell.
Simply denying your own common sense.

What is this thread about exactly?

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Destingater wrote a long ranty post outlining his (or her?) conspiracy theories about Hearthstone. And saying that he will not provide proof here because, as he suggested, that would give “them” data they can use to prepare in court.

Destingater had already, in another thread, stated that it is easy to prove his accusations. Yet despite my repeated requests he never was able to show any of this easy proof.

So instead of requesting, once again, that he shows this proof, I encouraged him to stop bluffing about lawsuits and actually filing one.

In response to this he then apparently decided to edit his message, removing the entire original content and replacing it with a new message. Which makes my reply look very confusing to those who never saw the original message.


And none of the data I found matches your accusations.
I do sometimes get bad draw, sometimes good draw. That’s to be expected in an RNG-based game and I have not seen any patterns to suggest manipulation.

I have acknowledged that they use cookies for their website. You claim that they use cookies to manipulate matches, that this is easy to prove, yet refuse to show said proof. I already called your bluff on that.

Things like that can happen in an RNG based game.
They do not happen more than statistically relevant.

I actually collect data. I do not go by observation, I collect.
Here is a link to my HearthArena public profile: - I tracked all my Arena games since 2015
I also have all games I play on PC uploaded to (not those I play on phone since I don’t have the required add-on installed there). If anyone knows a way to share my full game list let me know; I suspect that the link only works if you are logged in to my account and I am not going to share my password.

I have played all those games. I have investigated when I saw something weird, and every time it turned out to be a limitation of my observation.

Or, perhaps, I am just right and you are wrong.

I shared my data. Now it’s your turn. To either share the data you claim to have, or to admit that you have no actual data.

For the most part though, this is true though even though you said it tongue-in-cheek. Everyone’s usually against one another on the forums. Very rarely is anyone actually helpful or empathetic.

You sound like you need some mental help. Might I suggest a therapist?

Oooooh, careful not to cut yourself on that edge kiddo

i suggest going face, find someone playing aggro, grab anything nearby and go face! keep going face until they conced by choice or by force. go face!!!