This game is rigged as hell

What’s so funny? It’s not that bad for your brain, they say.

Wait, are you telling me those forums are much good for something else? :grinning:

These forums have happened… Being an unmoderated dump that they are, sadly, as noted many times.

By the way, it’s the typical ‘British Scientists’ kind of thing: ‘You cannot — ever! —trust your eyes, since there are some illusions, you cannot trust your brain, for humans are imperfect, you cannot trust your memories, since they can get distorted, you cannot even trust facts, since they can be alternative —however, you can, no, even shouldmust trust us, for we will present you with actual facts: look, we have got some data on navel fluff (lint) composition (or anything else as worthy of the Ig Nobel Prize) — this is evidence enough that you are to… [turn off your critical thinking, follow us like sheep and do as you’re told]’

Spoiler, especially for the ‘TLDR’ types: it’s all a load of ‘technobabble’… or hogwash, to put it colloquially :grinning: , brought to general public mostly by lousy journalists in particular.

(Updated and edited a bit)

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