This Game is Freaking Terrible Right Now!

How can a deck with no minions flood the board with minions and kill you with spells at the same time, or a warrior & Druids get ungodly amounts of value from 1 card. Random generated crap for rogues/mages seems to get every card they need to kill you or a minion that other wide they can’t. What a frustrating state the game is in.



The problem with this game, that devs don’t seem to get it is that it lacks midrange thus it lacks fun. The only meta that is fun is the midrange meta.

Right now the meta is polarized… you either get stomped early by aggro or get to late game and get stomped by Warrior or any other Reno deck. Midrange has little to no presence at the top.

I for one am happy that the meta is a bit better than it was 1 month ago lets say, but the game is never gonna be perfect

Maybe there could be more midrange decks, but you already have 3 good midrange decks

a) handbuff pally is midrange and it’s broken
b) insanity warlock is on average, midrange (it’s aggro-combo, but literally wins around turns 6-8 like midrange decks do)
c) gaslight giant rogue is midrange and it counters both of the above, so it has decent winrate now

This is fair, absolutely, we need more people to admit this. That meta was terrible

Is that it is old, and filled with cards that are way too powerful in terms of price and game impact.
It also suffers from a design team who learned long ago that some players will pay for anything, and so they don’t have to be innovative, or even good at their jobs.


Correction, this game has been terrible for MANY years.


“This game is so bad that i’ma keep playing!”


The simple fact that you define midrange as “wins turn 6 to 8” shows how incredibly f***** this game has been warped.


Bang! Spot on. 20 characters

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