This game is 10000000% rigged

It’s always goofy when people describe priest’s quest like this.

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Doesn’t even have to be this complicated. If you stack your deck prior to a game, you can do a Gilbreath shuffle to guarantee certain variations in opening hands. It’s not as sophisticated as as stacking a deck precisely with what you’d like, especially since your opponent cuts your deck after words, but you can manipulate it in a way where you can guarantee a certain number of opening lands and certain cards you might want to see sequentially.

You haven’t even really expressed in what way it’s rigged yet. How is it rigged? Guaranteed certain matchups, the card shuffler just KNOWS how to shuffle your deck with enough deviation that you never get the same bad hands but just get them often enough, what is rigged exactly and what are the (1) intent behind doing so (2) logistics for how this is even feasible?

They have a fantasy that they’re being punished for being f2p.

Perhaps, they feel guilty …

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Something like 98% of players are f2p. No matter how you slice it the vast majority of matchmaking is f2p vs f2p.

Nevertheless, I think that is what they believe.


Dare i say it?
Welcome to Wild.

I have yet to see the benefit they get from rigging. Quests complete and you get exp whether you win or not. Esports is dead for HS. People are still ranking up and getting to the rank they deserve. What benefits are they getting for the resources spent to rig random ladder games?

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The benefits are delusional posts on the forums

Sure its not rigged. Whatever floats your boat ha ha.

At one point you are just better of confirming fools in their believe.

A step that that the majority of people in the thread never have been able to make.
And you know why? Because they are the fools.

Definitly not rigged yep :).

Agreed 100%. If it was rigged then, in this day and age, evidence of it would be flooding the interwebs.

Sadly, all we get, to this day, is unsubstantiated claims absent of evidence.

Anecdotes are not evidence, yet that is all we ever get in regards to riggery.

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Yes, the game is controlled in 50%… we may call this rigged… When the MM wants your progress to stop… then it will make it… accept that, or leave the game… You can’t do anything about that. The main problem of the game is the insane unbalance… thats why the game can give you impossible enemies to beat so easy… There is no justice even mainly for real players who don’t want to play any of the OP craps… this is Hearthstone. Thats why I gave up Legendary… I don’t want to play OP easy win classes and decks but can’t reach Legendary like that either… So I just play to D5 about 7 days and leave the game for the rest of the month… because it is not worth it… I rather pay for something else and play it… anything but not Hearthstone…

Not if you want to be correct about it.

The matchmaking of every PvP game ever is: the more you have won, the more the players you are matched against have won. So if you go on a winstreak then you face harder opponents and you probably lose. Over a long enough timeline this equalizes winrate to about 50%. Is that a form of control? Yes it is. It is rigging? Absolutely not. It’s not rigged if it’s working exactly as advertised. There’s nothing nefarious going on, the only reason you tend to lose after you win is your opponents tend to get better.

Awww s**t here we go again.

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This forum is rigged too, when someone say this game is bad, 100 fake accounts trolled you in a minute and never get banned.

to counter this bs deck? Also, keep you addicted and craft more new decks.

Man, people have so much cognitive dissonance regarding addiction.

Do drug dealers treat the addicts that they sell to like crap? For the most part, no, but they can usually get away with it if they feel like it. But getting treated like crap isn’t what “keeps you addicted.” It’s what you’ll put up with because you’re addicted.

What keeps you addicted is the high. Or perhaps more accurately, the memory of it.

There is no world in which making people lose games increases addiction. It simply doesn’t happen. It doesn’t even make sense. The only reason people claim it does is because confusing cause and effect makes their conspiracy theories sound reasonable in their heads.


makes you want to BUY more card packs and craft decks that can win. :sheep:

If you buy all decks you lose against you’re a faaaaaaaaaaar more profitable costumer than anyone else.

People, when put into a situation they identify as unfair, tend to just not participate in it.

So to say: whales will whale without your input, but they will do so if they LIKE the game, not the contrary

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No, expansion reveals do that. Losing games doesn’t.

It was said multiple times that it is indeed rigged. What are news here?
There is no pro gamers or any serious attitude to this game in cybersport.
It’s a flashy mobile casino game with an element of collection to get more money from adicted players.