This game is 10000000% rigged

why cant u admit that the game is rigged? play long enough and you would notice it yourself. I swear on my mothers bread that the game is rigged. and you couldnt pay me enough to say or think otherwise.

I went sailing last weekend and my boat was totally rigged, too.

False. You’re just wrong. People playing since open beta disagree with you.

Deck A Deck B Deck C
Deck A Mirror Wins Loses
Deck B Loses Mirror Wins
Deck C Wins Loses Mirror


Imagine you’re playing paper MTG and you shuffle your own deck, cut your opponents deck, play, and lose. Assuming you are a hearthstone player in reality and you believe in rigging, who are you blaming for your loss in the paper MTG game? Wizards of the Coast?


dude, just google if hearthstone is rigged, i got an army backing me up. Who do you got? :joy_cat: :scream_cat: :joy_cat: :crying_cat_face: :crying_cat_face:

Because in ten years there’s never been a hint of a shred of evidence that it is.


So do Flat Earthers. Popularity isn’t an argument.


There are MTG players who will accuse the opponent of being one of those deck magicians that can shuffle in a way that makes all their cards in any order they want.

Then they ignore the fact that if that were true, they wouldn’t be playing MTG, they’d be a millionaire playing poker. They dismiss those facts of course. Gotta blame losing on something else.


There do exist shuffle methods that creates some truth to what you are speaking of. You can’t make it give you the exact spells you want, but your shuffle method can make you not draw lands 5 turns in a row. Said methods are known cheats and can be shown to a judge in a tournament as an intentional shuffling method.

My original point of course was that people will always find a way to blame someone else for their own mistakes.

Yeah, those are documented and looked at. This is why your opponent should shuffle your deck.

However, the argument is that the opponent is purposefully shuffling your deck in the order they want, card for card. It’s nuts lol

I can’t get on board with this argument because it looks at (criminal) expertise as a binary rather than a spectrum. High level card mechanics aren’t born doing what they do, they have to train, and believe me the last place you want to practice that art while you’re still getting the hang of it is a casino. I actually think Magic the Gathering tournaments are a good place to try to level up new card mechanics, because MTG floor judges rarely have any ability to detect such things (or at least they didn’t when I played).

I think you’re taking the claim too serious. If anybody had the magic ability to shuffle a deck and literally place any card they want into any order from a deck they’ve never seen the contents off first, they wouldn’t be detectable in any way since it would have to be magic itself. No one can do this. Any who claim to do this have setup decks with a set up shuffle.

It’s why the claim is dumb in the first place. It’s like claiming psychics exist and then no one is winning the lottery via psychic powers.

Um, you can palm a mirror, or have one in your lap. Look into your mirror as your shuffling, see the reflection of the bottom card. This can be done quickly, it mostly just depends on knowing card art and text well enough to identify a card from a small fraction of the overall image.

It should be obvious that once a mechanic knows where a specific card is, they can control how far it is from the top.

I had a Magic playing friend back in the day who would sideboard Game 1 pretty much every game.

Yeah, that’s my question.

Are you saying that blizzard rigged the game… by making your opponent build a deck that counters yours?

If it’s a meta deck, it’s not rare, by definition. It should be a consideration. But you didn’t say it was a meta deck. You said it was handcrafted, with every card countering you. So how come? Either blizzard made the deck and pitted you against it, or it arresteed the opponent negating matchmaking untill his deck could match and trounce yours.

But both of those seems too silly, so i will give a shot at the truth.

Ypur opponent deck is in no way a hard counter. It’s probably a semi-popular meta deck whose draw order seemed to counter you. In reality, a fewe or more cards could have done the same job, but this wouldn’t make for a very compelling post.

So your assumption is google won’t give you lies when you search for them?

I don’t think you understand how search engines work.

I’m not talking about a single card man. I’m talking about the entire deck, reordered in a fashion where you put every single card in the order you want.

You want blizzard to admit that their game is rigged? you must be joking. Me and thousands of other players are saying it is rigged. But hey keep defending blizz, mabye they’ll like ur tweet or something.

You can all be dead wrong, too. You guys believing lies doesn’t make them facts.

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Blizz has their own list of very real crimes and sins. It’s just that what you’re claiming isn’t on that list. Would I be defending Jeffrey Dahmer if I said he wasn’t responsible for lizard people? (Like lizard people, the crime you are concerned with isn’t even real.) I mean, maybe I am defending them, but only because your accusation is ridiculous. If we want to talk about how they don’t balance test, how they exploit beta testers, how they abuse alcohol on the clock, and how they sexually harass their employees, we could have a lot of agreement regarding their villainy.