Third Wing Heroic -- A bit too hard?

When I beat wing 3 Heroic I got extremely lucky to get the DK Warlock hero power, which absolutely stomps him early and gives you a chance to stabilize. He hit turn 2 Lich King and turn 3 Rag and I still pulled it out. Can’t for the life of me remember my deck, but if you can leave him stuck with 4 of his Deathrattles (either weak ones with 1 attack or copies of things like Loot Hoarder) you can chip him down and there’s nothing he can do unless you play minions

But this entirely relies on a 1 in 9 chance to get the right power off a specific treasure, so realistically it’s a bad method

just won first try today after winning wing 4 yesterday… with a pretty average reduce cost mage deck

had enemy minions +1
poison weapon
stealth minions
bunch of freeze cards and draw

the treant chick almost got me but stealth is too good,
most bosses had a hand full of cards they couldn’t use

on final boss I spammed out 4 cost spell/freeze random minion early,
got the 2 reward to give him 2/2 and summon 2 copies… gg
beat jepetto in under 6 mins

Finally beat this POS. Agree with the druid; real tough.

Last boss spammed 5 damage worth in 4 minions while I had big stealthed. Face was the place.

I unlocked Wing 4 today, and beat it first try with the Druid – even the last 3 bosses on heroic, I beat them all before even reaching 8 mana crystals. Maybe they realized 3 was too hard?
+1/+1 creatures; Trogzor with +2/+2 , 0 mana, starts in hand; opponent had 2 curse cards (playing them resulting in tons of trogs
Maybe a fluke run, so I’ll have to try with other bosses too.
Hopefully last Wing isn’t a complete breeze, I’m sure Blizzard will eventually get the difficulty sweet spot right.