Thinking about coming back to the game after years: What deck should i build?

F2P player, BTW.
That being the case, what mode: Casual, Wild, Classic or Standard, would be better?
Also, what deck should i make? I have 4.5k gold, 2k spare dust and the cards i had back then.
Is it possible for me to play something that isn’t aggro? I REALLY disliked playing aggro.

Depending on the size of your collection and the actual cards within, I would probably focus on wild, especially right now. The meta in both standard and wild is very fresh and volitile so it’s not really safe to craft anything, but at least you already have some cards for wild. Classic is also an option if you have a lot of the cards and/or like the nostalgia, but I find my opponents are usually much better than I am in Classic.


Play a few Wild games and do some research!

Lots of old Wild staples are still viable right now, particularly Darkglare Warlock and Secret Mage, both considered tier 1.

Lots of new broken stuff too, Watchpost Priest can be really dirty, Mozaki Mage is blowing up, Windfury Paladin too, and some of these decks’ parts are pretty cheap to craft too.

I’m having fun with the Wild meta! Good luck!

Don’t come back. It isn’t worth it and criminally expensive to get into. Look at other card games around.


You get a free 235 card set. So it’s much more accessible. I’d spend all your gold on recent packs to get commons and rares and craft the others you need.

Play budget decks and you’ll packs and gold along the way from the new rewards track

I highly recommend Raza and Big priest for Wild. Other fun decks are cube and control warlock

Like which?

I wasn’t playing the time Raza was a thing. Isn’t it cheaper to play standard instead of wild, though?

Isn’t it cheaper to play standard instead of wild, though?

In the short term, sure.

In the long term, the Standard value of all your current Standard cards (excepting the Core Set and successors) is zero as they all rotate out.

It’s much, much cheaper in the long run to play Wild, but you have to be thinking on the timeframe of steady grinding quests, Brawls, on and off for a year or two to build a cardbase.

They have the new player/returning player exp they don’t wanna do wild right away they’re better off doing the return player and get tons of free packs.

I would say stick to standard honestly, Wild is complete Degen to return and play - with 4.5k gold you can buy some packs til you get 1 legendary from each expac you haven’t.

After that See what card from the pack you open til the 1 legendary and then see what is your optional build for meta deck if you wanna craft a deck.

Also you should got the returning player and should get a free deck after doing all that stuff.

you can look at those deck and see what you perf and etc.

If you haven’t claim a deck get the Libram Pally deck as that’s mid-range, so is GA , if not there is some control or combo deck depending on the class.

It really Depends on what you have as options.

But def buy packs 1 at time til the legendary of standard you might get lucky and get them in a few packs and have tons of gold to spare after to buy the mini set or might spend most of it and be down to few gold after.

Just remember there tons of resources you can look into and see what flows your boat, also try out the Battleground, Duels and etc as free player to see if you like those modes also.

Welcome back and don’t get stress out, Standard will be more focus on balance and etc, while wild will be pure Degen and feel like you can’t do anything if you try to climb higher in ranks.

Absolutely, start with Classic. Build a deck you know and love. You’ll be able to play it there for years to come.

Play a deck you know and enjoy. If you’re not familiar with the decks of those days, here is a helpful guide:
Once you have the Classic deck of your choice, start gradually building up your Standard collection, but focus on one class and one class only. Pick your favorite class. Dust any extra golden cards you find (when you already have two of the non-golden version of the card; or one if legendary), dust any cards that get nerfed and invest the extra dust to craft cards you need for your favorite class.

don’t spend money on this game it is in a very poor state right now. This is basically a beta at the moment. Can tell no testing was done with how much is broken

Thanks, I’m currently playing Classic for the time being.
And yep, Shaman sucked just the way i remember it doing.
Playing Paladin for the time being, since i had Sylvannas, Cairne and Tyrion.

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