The way Hearthstone is now 30 health used to be good but I think raising it to 40 health as said in the past may be a good idea. I think it would make the slower deck more able to compete with the fast aggressive playstyle a little better with just 10 extra health increases.
Hard no. Stop playing do nothing decks.
We are literally in a meta where 9 mana yogg is strong and widely played. The meta is plenty slow with highlander so prominent.
Why should PC players have to play Hearthstone like cheap mobile games everything is so fast when PCs help start Hearthstone. I mean to target the mobile market but also don’t forget who got where you are today PC players not phones/tablets.
I play on pc. It’s a highlander meta right now… nothing about that is aggro. All the aggro decks got nerfed, and now handbuff paladin is the “fast” deck in the mode… that runs high cost cards including Yogg.
This is a you problem, not a “decks are too fast” problem.
You are also welcome to play highlander quest renathal pile of crap decks in dumpster wild and have all the fun you want with every card ever made. Have at it!
I feel that Blizzard will push the faster meta in the next expansion.
Your preferences don’t really dictate the game’s design, though.
Until they nerf things that are too fast… like they always do.
Edit: If you want to fix the game, then push for them to stop making things like Colossals and Titans, which can often end games on the spot if you don’t have an immediate response in hand. Those cards have such outsized influence on games and ruin the fun.
No buddy can push a game design it is the devs who decide the way it goes good or bad. I just can post suggestions good or bad as they may be like any other person buying thier products.
Any game developer that looks to public forums for suggestions from players should be fired on the spot. 99.99% of player suggestions are worse than garbage.
If that case they should close every early access game or beta test in the game industry. How else are going to get feed back how people feel toward stuff?
I meant untested player suggestions. It’s different after they actually try them, at that point it stops being a suggestion and starts being feedback on a mechanic that was actually experienced.
The point is that you can’t trust players to give valid feedback on a hypothetical situation that they’ve never experienced. If you ask them how they will feel about something they’ve never experienced, the results will be almost entirely bad guesses. They can’t tell devs what they want, they can only tell them what they’ve liked.
That is why Blizzard should do a open test branch like other devs do a lot of times before releasing content but they don’t and can’t understand why not.
They do such a test every expansion. You’re a tester, like it or not.
Yes but not before doing nerfs or buff I’m talking about and it would help fix a lot of these problems like we had with the meta.
The playerbase that they have is mostly neutral to testing the game for free, if not outright enjoying the experience. There’s no financial reason to test separately unless “launch testing” costs customers.
But that’s enough from me, I want to watch you fight Neon. And by fight I mean civil debate wink wink nudge nudge