They need to limit “Extra Turn”

You shouldn’t be able to take an extra turn more than once in a row. Watching the mage just get infinite turns because you couldn’t kill them by turn 6 is really terrible.

Me when wild stuff happen in wild.

It’s been talked to death for years and they do not care. They said some Wild nerfs are happening so maybe? I would not count on it tho.

It’s already been nerfed several times directly and indirectly. The Sorcerer’s Apprentice nerf outright killed the original Exodia deck.

In wild you didn’t really needed time warp to exodia with antonidas and apprentices.
Just a thaurissan turn and you were good to do.
What made this card problematic was the ease to complete it and the possibility to recast it. I would rather have the card limited to one use, but with a guaranteed strong effect, rather than have it recastable and have to watch mages play 12 turns in a row while they find their lethal

At least it wasn’t insert Shaman battlecry build #27 here