Too bad it’s pointless in the face of SN1P-SN4P in Wild.
But I guess you can play for fun and auto-concede against Warlocks.
Too bad it’s pointless in the face of SN1P-SN4P in Wild.
But I guess you can play for fun and auto-concede against Warlocks.
Dirty rat is always a card.
Do you even know what you’re talking about? Do you understand how insanely lucky do you have to get in order to properly snipe a key piece? It’s not Mecha’Thun Lock or Exodia Mage where there is a clear-cut set-up turn. They might perform the combo at any point in time.
Also even if you do snipe a piece of either combo they can still draw the other copy unless it’s a Legendary and even if you DO snipe a Legendary key-piece they will have 2 more win-conditions.
dont worry in wild we have stuff dirty rat and iceblock
there are other bunch of secrets and cards the deck hates
This post is really nice! Too bad it’s on a platform that never reaches the devs and comes in a brief and snarky tone that will do nothing but annoy the community >.>.
OP is right on this unfortunately. Dirty Rat does next-to-nothing to actually stop the deck from popping off. Any Sn1plock player worth half their salt will keep multiple smaller minions in hand while drawing towards their combo, and even if you manage to snipe a combo piece, odds are more likely than not that they don’t care (if you get a Portal they still have another Portal, if you get a Mechwarper they can still draw their other Mechwarper, if you draw Sn1p then congrats, you just used your only tech versus the Mecha’Thun combo and still have to fight through Glinda). Sure Dirty Rat is a card, but it isn’t anywhere close to an effective card.
rogue is about to get a nice one
then all a rogue player will have to do is play snip snap and target it with the legendary
Mechwarper would do a much better job tbh. Shuts down two of Sn1plock’s combos as opposed to one and guarantees that the only thing you have to worry about is Mecha’Thun. Probably not enough to impact Sn1pplocks viability but it’s nice to have.
qualityluck, what’s your rank in wild?
SN1P-SN4P’s worst match-up is the miror, not even Secret Mage which in theory would be the perfect counter can beat it 50% of the time, assuming high-level play.
qualityluck, what’s your rank in wild?
Trying to rank-shame me I see, well right now I’m rank 2, I admittedly got tilted after facing a bad luck streak and opponents hard-tech’ing against my current deck and ended up missing the climb, I was rank 1 5 stars like 3 times… I get Legend almost every month, last month I didn’t climb on pupose because on Sept. I got Legend day 7 (there were less than 40 Wild Legend players in NA at the time) and apparently every single of them was running SN1P which was an absolutely horrifying experience, I had to spend the rest of the month exclusively playing Whizbang in Standard because Wild was unplayable. I would be playing Whizbang now if I could as well but the current Standard meta is even worse than Wild’s and Whizbang can’t compete currently even at rank 20…
I’m a dedicated Wild players with maxxed deck slots, I had to delete some decks like Pirate Warrior for instance because they were not good enough and I couldn’t afford the slot, I am a customer who bought every single adventure along with other purchases like the Wild Bundle and etc, I hope this is enough to entertain you…
SN1P is certainly not a problem at Rank 20 no doubt but it’s cancer for anyone playing at Legend or trying to reach Legend, it’s a menace to the competitive Wild scene.
You do realize new cards are designed with standard in mind not wild impact right?
They nerfed Reckless Experimenter when the SN1P combo was discovered because it would affect Standard but gave the middle finger to Wild because **** Wild.
And Cloud Prince and Arcane Flakmage would like to disagree with you there, buddy.
Point is calling a new set useless because of wild is absurd. Even if a handful of cards seem wild focused obviously the vast majority are for standard. I play wild too but I’m not silly enough to evaluate new sets off it. And yeah once in a blue moon they do nerfs in wild. Doesn’t mean it is the primary focus. Duh?
You’re missing the point entirely, I’m not saying we should get a 3 mana 100/100 Dragon in order to compete with SN1P, I’m saying we need a Wild balance patch ASAP.
I know Wild is not the main focus but we shouldn’t be an abandoned wasteland either. Your post reeks of “Wild doesn’t matter” and “Just play Standard”, that’s precisely the problem here, the problem is that the developers share your opinion, they don’t care about Wild at all, in fact they don’t care about Standard either and are solely focused on Battlegrounds.
That has nothing to do with the new set though which your own post brings up. Did you read what you typed?
I am glad I only play wild from rank 20 to rank 10…since I rarely see snipsnap there…and when I do sometimes, I just smash it through with murloc shaman.
I’m just hoping they do a ‘coding adjustment’ that Portal is the last applied effect or “less than 1” takes priority. I’d be fine with the deck if it maxed out at, say, 8 applications as there’d be more ways to attack the deck beyond silence/transform (and even then these are minimal)
Yeah you’re right, there are many, many ways to fix this problem, many easy ways too.
just curious, if you don’t understand that snipsnap lock is easy win for secret mage or worse, if you really think snipsnap has 100% winrate…
of course, wait, the last legend standings showed only victoriousdn and me (on this forum) had hct points
depends on which time and server we play, i guess, i got to rank 300ish in wild (last month) and mostly faced secret mage/mech pal/rogues (eu)
Americas is the server I play in
Two things on this point:
HCT ladder points died so now it is just the top-200 of each, correct? That was my understanding. Granted I’ve only cracked top-200 once in either mode.
I don’t think Wild ever gave HCT points