These game developers have college degrees?

I played wild and got to legend and then went back to standard. Paladins seem to counter my secret egg hunter deck 24/7. I get lucky to win those and same thing with druid/rogues. Is there a reason why Blizzard, you guys keep the same classes on top of the ladder? The moment anything goes right for the other classes like hunters, mages, warriors, priests, but you guys nerf them to the ground and keep the same classes on top. Is the owner of hearthstone playing a druid? When he feels like playing a paladin, paladins are good again? What’s going on back there devs cause honestly idk how you cause have college degrees. I hope you guys could do a better job in the future of balancing this game. Y’all make me want to change my major cause of how bad you guys are at creating new cards.


I don’t want to act like every college is bad. I bet some of them offer quality education. But it is certainly possible to get a college degree these days without getting a real education, and unlike in previous generations you no longer need rich parents or athletic ability to do this, you just need to go into debt. Degrees don’t really mean anything anymore, accreditation has been ruined.

Depending on what university you’re going to, OP, maybe you’re wasting your money, and should drop out. Or maybe not. I don’t know you.


Do you have a college degree?

If so, you’re really hiding it well.



He said right in the opening post

Do you read?

College used to be essentially free in many states (till our boy Reagan fixed that).

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To the OP, it’s because people whine more about anything besides aggro being good, for some reason. Hunter and paladin lists that escape nerfs are usually aggro. Same for druid (token decks usually get soft or no nerfs, unless they’re egregious like gibberling druid) and priest (shadow priest and now dragon priest are allowed to be quite strong despite some nerfs). Also, aggro decks, by their nature, are more resistant to nerfs so they tend to keep bubbling back up to the top after subsequent nerfs.

Also, Warrior has been at the top of near the top of the meta for a while.

Can someone tell Climber he doesn’t have to reply to every thread hating on the devs?

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He is a Dev thats the issue.

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