There is a problem with payment for the Ru segment

Dear sirs, developers of the wonderful game “Heartstone”!
I am addressing you on behalf of the international community of the Ru segment of the game. We are very concerned about the inability to pay in the game, especially the inability to pay for the next Combat Pass, which will become relevant from April 2022. In this regard, we ask you to provide us with an alternative form of payment for a Combat Pass in the form of payment in-game currency.
Sincerely, the international community of the Ru-segment of the game “Heartstone”.


Do you know what’s happening in the world right now?

If you can’t make a purchase in HS, chances are it was made on purpose


It’s unfortunate, but the quickest way to get politicians and leaders to listen is to sanction their constituents. Complain to your government, not to Blizzard.


I’m tempted to say something rather divisive right now. I’m going outside instead.


It’s done to prevent Putin from playing Hearthstone. He loves the game.


I personally believe the company (and all others) needs to sanction the home country of tencent also.

Taking a stand for human rights is great, but needs to be consistent. Taking money from one of the worst human rights abusers on the planet while refusing to sell to everyday Russians sends the wrong message.

It’s time to divest of tencent and stop selling everywhere there are human rights abuses!

UnionPay International
for friendship and mutual understanding
of players all over the world )