The Worst Meta Since Stormwind

I am having fun with my Reno Druid.
Got to Diamond 1; 1 Star with it with a 7 - 1 score. A lot of bs happening, but don’t forget to have fun all.

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I’m having fun.


I saw this today and spit my tea.


Meta is still unknown but I already saw some op decks after playing like only 10 games.

As I saw most of the new crazy one turn kill decks will get repressed by aggro Paladin and after they nerf the paladin they will take their turn to oppress.


Apparently, it’s now perfectly normal to drop a 15/15 taunt lifesteal minion turn 5

As well as 3x 8/10 taunts for 4 mana

Sooo, help me solve this puzzle. Except Priest who has whirlpool and 1 mana silence all, and maybe mage if she gets a reverb, which class is equipped to deal with this when it occurs (every 2nd match on average)?

Let’s brainstorm this puzzle. Surely, I mean SURELY every class has a viable option to deal with this…right?


WHAT am I missing???

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paladin: doing paladin things. Winfury
DK: handbuff is busted, plague is still great
Warrior: Odyn is still busted

that’s about it

oh yeah hunter is there with 1 mana 4/1s with Divine Shield and Winfury

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GJ, now you’re the one spamming about me spamming. Way to go. Give yourself a cookie :slight_smile:


I mean the game is made by devs who have mental disabilities an no insight how to make cards without powercreep.


Unfortunately, Leroy fits in with the current mindsight of the development of the game. These days from hand damage is fairly common among some classes, so adding in a Neutral from hand damage is kinda on point as they try to balance it out, which in turn can make things worse (if they care) as some classes can take advantage of it more than others. In this case, for example, Paladin.

I assume we’ll see some balance changes as usual within a couple weeks, but nothing I’ve seen thus far has me thinking they’ll do emergency adjustments like they did with DH. Tho, it DOES look like the Warlock WoD deck is starting to cook a little bit…

The meta is terrible again, I don’t win anything, only losses. I thought it would be better after the expansion, but it’s a disaster. Blizzard DOES NOT CARE ABOUT WEAKER PLAYERS.

some archetype like wheel warlock and spell mage are very fun to me. But they feel a tad weak, perhaps they ll be stronger as deck get refined.

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I’ve never found so many decks this utter miserable to play against this early after an expansion before. DK, Mage, Druid, Paladin, all OTK from hand.

Whizbang is 100% worst expansion ever released in Hearthstone’s 10 year history, and when better to release such a disaster than on its famous anniversary!
Although, I think Stormwind was one of the top 5 expansions, and you’re dead wrong about it sucking.

Firstly, with the ramping of power with each new standard release, not including Prince Renathal as a permanent core card makes the meta suck almost as much dragon priest and pirate rogue. Feeling like I only have 2 viable decks until new expansions packs really sucks the fun out of this game. As a rogue main, pirate rogue is too overpowered and anti-fun to use or fight. Priest which was finally “balanced” (I would argue was still overpowered AF but underused making it seem fine) and is now unbeatable again (take an extra turn is a straight-up, full-on questline reward, or a no duplicates + 10-cost spell effect, or a play 15+ dragons effect–not a FIVE, you crack-smoking dev team).

Just prior to this release, Hearthstone FINALLY had the back-and-forth, heavy player-interaction with strategy feel. Saving resources, lots of healing effects, TONS of counter-effect neutral minions, disruption, good clear options, back-n-forth player interactions… All of these made Hearthstone good. ALL of these are missing in the current standard. Deafen and Librarian are the only silences? Origami Dragon exists. The matches nowadays are: die before having ANY chance to interact with the enemy tempo deck before turn 5 or get overkilled from full health and board control due to a buffed stealth one-shot or extra turn with no counterplay.

If Blizzard thought this expansion release would be even semi-balanced, then I have zero faith that they could balance this game properly ever again after the magnitude of the colossal screw up that is Whizbang.

Has promise as new expansion packs are released, but currently it is anti-fun with the two aforementioned decks as powerful as they are. Also please bring viable early board clear options to other classes other than warlock.

EDIT: My bias: Mostly tested hero power druid (my most hated class of all time, before you judge me) in this meta because I can’t find a viable off meta deck–goodbye Renathal flexibility. Odyn warrior typically gets out-armored by what I played, and when journeying outside of this, I found Odyn warrior to be horrible to fight against. Did a little bit of ogre tess rogue, but no luck. I hate this replay pool for burglar rogues–my staple. My main deck last season was elemental tess rogue :frowning: (illusionists are gone, rip theraze and drilly).


Very well said!

Completely wrong, however

What REALLY destroys the game are cards like, in 5 turns destroy your opponent. Or swap decks with your opponent. Or destroy your opponents deck. OR steal your opponent/copy your opponent cards. I really hate spending $100 on an expansion just to have someone win against me with my own deck, or destroy it before I have the chance to get momentum.

Sorry, I left off the Druid OTK.

I mean, come on now.

For the players who needed training wheels to win a game using the quests of course rocked but overall it wasnt that good…

Bruh HS has been signposting deck builds forever. Archetypes are obvious. Quests didn’t change that.

It provided options. The quest decks weren’t even any of the good ones, but were enjoyable as the meta started to stretch games out to provide some for back-n-forth interaction and windows before setting up an OTK from hand or so on. It’s effectively what this meta tried to do but was successful instead of a flop.

not to mention 90% of my games are against bots games a joke