The Weekly Quest, question about

Assuming i don’t complete the 5 wins in ranked quest by next cycle, do i lose one weekly quest slot? What about the progress i would have on it?

What happens?

My understanding is that you get two new quests (instead of the normal three), and the progress you have is retained.

Never actually tried it out though. As an FTP player, I need all the freebies I can get!

I’m stuck on Silver 10 (when did that happen). I don’t plan on winning a lot of games, and since i don’t really play all that much…

Anyway, thanks.

You (and everyone else) will be back at Bronze 10 on the 1st.

As long as you have bonus stars, matchmaking is by MMR, not rank.

If you reach a point where you are unable to get wins in Standard, try playing in Wild. If your Star bonus is 2, and you don’t get win streaks, you should be able to get eight MMR based wins in each mode, meaning sixteen wins per season (three weekly quest completions each month).