The warlock cards revealed

loken sure looks interesting! so does the horror, looks strong at least.

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LMAO a bunch of spells that demand you have a board to play them, and a big lack of minions added to the class. What is this support for, imp warlock?


I do not see any warlock cards. Please post them

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Unfortunately half of them aren’t even revealed in english.

Whats odd is I just saw them all in the card library, went back to link them, and theh were gone.

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That seems to happen for a bit after cards are initially posted to the card library. They appear; then they disappear; then appear; then disappear; etc.

I think I managed to get links:
Common · Minion · TITANS · Lifesteal Battlecry: Deal 2 damage to a random enemy minion.
Legendary · Minion · TITANS · Battlecry: Discover a minion from your deck. Summon a Tentacle with its stats and Taunt.


There’s a lot of good warlock minions from the fatigue damage set. I could see a tempoish build if they get a finisher/swing turn strategy and or the dev team let’s tempo decks ever be a thing again.

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Loken can be used to tutor Sargeras and summon a 6/12 body with taunt with it. Its just a matter of how many minions are you running in your deck to make it consistent.

Fantonnen could be put in there too, and the body could be copied with Forge of Wells

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Had to look up Hearthpwn or w/e, the site is called just to see the cards.

Seeing the cards just feels like a wind was taken out of my sails. Everytime I look at them, I see that they’re good cards just not this “Wow”! factor like I wanted.

We get a 6 mana tutor, we get some forge imp discard cards. Another removal based on discarding a card an umm… another 3 mana AoE random damage split but hey, +2 helath for each minion killed woooooo…

We also get a new 1 spell buff card which is great… We also get a 1 mana Sac a creature spell to destroy a creature. Have fun with Warlocks chucking a junky imp token on your divine shield crap Paladins.

What else was there… ohh yeah a 2 mana 2/2 creature with lifesteal an pings 2 damage to an random enemy. Isn’t that exciting!? A turn 2 ping Alstalor lol. Prob the most powerful card they wanted to give Warlocks in the new 9 mana 5/5 cost less for each damage you take on your turns… It’ll be good, but it’s nothing special.

That alone, is the Warlock cards folks. We got playable stuff so sound the party bell :partying_face:.

So yeah, Warlock got cards for aggressive lists, we got cards for Control. I am just glad I can finally brew up lists with these cards an looking forward to Titan’s still.


Well, the silver lining is that Warlock isn’t getting “parasitic packages,” at least. Unfortunately it also doesn’t seem like they have a clear strategy.

Imprisoned Horror can go into the Fatigue self-damage package, at which point it is sort of like a Lightray without taunt. It seems weaker, but being weaker than Lightray isn’t saying much.

Wing Welding goes with the Discard package, but how often is Soul Barrage going to be the most expensive card in your hand if you’re a Control Warlock with Sargeras? Yeah…you don’t want to discard your giant minions like Jailer/Fanottem/Sargeras. I guess you could discard Imprisoned Horror, if it’s not easy to discount?

Monstrous Form is either an Implock card, or a Forge of Wills card. Probably Implock since you need to be on the board already.

Loken is hecking boring compared to the other Keepers we’ve seen. Obviously you’d want to highroll Fanottem or Jailer or Thaddius, if you’re still using the Undead package. And it’s got synergy with Forge of Wills. But are you seriously waiting until turn 6 to draw a minion and put down a fair taunt body? That’s BRNR Warrior levels of unfortunate.

Mortal Eradication is a much weaker Full-Blown Evil. Better hope you have this in the early game and your opponent is running tokens. Looks weak to me, considering the boards we see these days. Maybe once Hydra rotates it’ll be better.

Disciple of Sargeras is more Discard “synergy.” At least it’s only spells, so you’re more likely to hit Soul Barrage. I’m not seeing it.

Thornveil Tentacle is good.

Chaotic Consumption is good.

Overall I don’t get it. Seems like you’ll want to run a standard Fatigue warlock deck that caps off with Sargeras and just try to grind out wins with the Titan portal. It’s a good thing that Sargeras is such a standout Titan because the rest of these cards seem extremely weak, or at least direction-less. How do Fanottem, Rin, Opera Soloist, or Symphony fit into any of this? Are we supposed to force a Discard Warlock? How does Discard Warlock win games?