The trade animation (the skull of trade) is wrong

The skull trade appears when the streamer trade with a 3 attack to 5 health minion.
Sorry for my english.
I have a link with the video but i can’t put it in the message.

Do you see the link?

Yes, we see it. How was that minion summoned? Was it transformed (by The Storm Bringer for instance)? If so, was it previously a minion that had 3 or less health?

Which minion? King Phaoris was Shudderwock but it wasn’t damaged before the evolution…

Phaoris was the one I meant, yes. It’s odd that the game thought the 3/1 would kill it. Transformation has been known to occasionally carry properties of the old minion over to the new one, and recently Storm Bringer has had some client side visual bugs relating to stats. Not sure if an undamaged Shudderwock would fit with that theory, though.

In any case, hopefully the information here is enough for Blizzard to figure it out.

Shudderwock was undamaged. I’am sure