The titan we are voting for

Round 2 is open! Sargeras survived the first round; let’s keep it up!

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yay time to get 2 more packs, unlike someone in this thread who thinks we are sheep


:sheep: :sheep: :sheep:

Voted again for Aman’Thul. He is THE ONE!

Now you may claim he is THE ONE.

But he won’t be THE ONE in the rankings.


Wow I have seen some ridiculous posts, some of which I admit to taking part in . But I must say arguing against people voting for an online game feature for extra in game rewards is really some kind of special.


Good for you. You are holding back the incoming storm of free packs. You are admirable.

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:sheep: breath assure.

Any Titan can win. And i voted for best one. that’s all.

You’re really funny you know?

Trying to take some sort of moral high ground and getting pissed with people over a game event.

Still if you really want to take the sheep discussion seriously:

There is time and place for everything and this event isn’t about being unique.

Obs: We can’t even have a real audition on the votes.

So while i don’t believe blizzard has any reason to make this event rigged at all.

I also would not hold my breath for the “most voted” Titan being the announced winner either.

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imagine accusing me of everything just because i am not THE :sheep: and because i vote for that i want and think that will win?


It’s the price of the Spotlight.

Being “original” has it’s drawbacks too you know.

Voted for Warlock Titan, because Warlock best class duh.

I would have liked this voting system better if they actually just let people vote for the Titan card they wanted in game. So someone like me who wants Warlock’s Titan can have it, but say someone loves Druid, they vote for Druid’s Titan upon launch they get her etc.

The only funny thing to me is the idea of Warlocks Titan after voting for him apparently he “smiles at me” like sure the Destroyer smiles at me lmao.


Don’t make me insult you. No other titan comes close to Sargeras.


Yes, Aman;Thul strongest. sargerus drank some fel soup and then had a chance vs him.

Not sure if you are trolling, delusional or plain stupid. It’s ok if you like him, but don’t start saying he’s stronger than Sargeras.

Yes, Aman’Thul is strongest titan. Your “favorite” infused by fel soup surgerus sits imprisoned in a cell, crying. Facts.

That’s okay if you not know wow lore. I suggest reading some. After all, Hearthstone is actually World of Warcraft game.

“With a howl of fury and sorrow, the former champion raised his blade and struck Aggramar down, cleaving him in two. Outraged by this murder, the Pantheon launched an all-out assault on Sargeras, but, unable to stand against the fallen titan’s Fel might, soon perished as well.”

Sargeras literally soloed the rest of the Pantheon. Fortunately for them, Norgannon was running Ice Block beforehand.


Take away social media and other platforms and i would be willing to wager Sargeras still wins by a mile. Easily the most recognized and loved Titan in WoW lore.


Imagine cheering for the titan who wants to destroy all living and Azeroth itself. Wow…

Aman’Thul is strangest, followed by Norgannon.

Power to manipulate time > rest. And yes, Aman’Thul knew what will happen. Some things must be let to happen for a reason.

Anyway that fel unfused wretch is now imprisoned and forgotten. Except for some :sheep: that members him as " special".

For Azeroth!

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i dont care who the titan is, i want packs


If this were an election with real-world consequences then voting for the bad guy just because he’s well-known and can beat the other guys in the next round would indeed be a bad move. Good thing the only real-world consequence of voting for Sargeras is getting more packs.