Assuming what’s in everyone’s best interest isn’t at all pretentious and patronising, is it?
I suppose that’s also a possible outlook. However, how about a different one?
For once, something more or less cool or unusual has happened, in this case, a would-be popularity contest of sorts. At least it’s not routine and could have been fun. However, what have we got instead? Ahem… players ‘banding together’ with a splendid kind of mentality: let’s spoil whatever fun there could have been for ourselves, so that no-one else can have any either.
Well, that’s an attitude I can respect. Had I chosen that one, I dunno if I could say the same about the ‘company’ in which I’d have landed.
Sounds too generous for the Bli$$ard we know (it’s not even Alterac anymore for some scrubs to get free legendaries; take some measly packs and rejoice, you plebs!), but yeah, the voting system could have been better. At least give those packs regardless of choice or whatever.
Oh, which reminded me… Remember what happened to the greatest (mortal) warlock ever, and, as much as I respect Nemsy and her considerable might, that’d be Gul’dan? If you take the Hearthstone rendition in particular, the last chapter of his Book of Heroes has this scene. So yeah… Even the mightiest of warlock might have wanted to choose their ‘patron’ differenty.
By the way, have you got any confirmation of that?
As far as I recall, he’s the oldest known and also their leader, but that’s it.
You forgot Eonar, when it comes to their impact on Azeroth.
If memory serves, Aman’Thul blessed Nozdormu with the mastery of time, Norgannon gifted Malygos with the arcane (magic), but Eonar gave her boon to two of our favourite dragon girls — Alexstrasza and Ysera, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she was particularrly loved at least for that. Oh, and yeah, there was also Khaz’goroth, who ‘blessed’ Neltharion with wielding the whole weight of the planet or something like it, but apparently, he didn’t like that burden much and was more than happy to get rid of it at any cost, so I dunno if that has turned out to be such a great idea…
I take umbrage at that. Not that Illidan had much to leave behind (I mean, what was there left for him on Azeroth worthy of his attention? Tyrande?
Doesn’t sound convincing to me, and even that was a bit problematic), but still, he was actually willing to meet Sargeras once more and then see to it that this one doesn’t spill any more fel soup somewhere.
Those… community members you mentioned aren’t Illidan, though, there’s that.
PS By the way, looks like my assumptions about poor ‘noname’ Amitus have turned out wrong — not even ‘political correctness’ and being a titanic Cariel lookalike saved her from elimination in round one. Well, I suppose being such an unknown character without any lore behind her doesn’t help — speaking of which, more or less the coolest or best-known characters have made it through so far. Both times I voted for Norgannon — his name sounds like a cool reference to (New) Organon, by the way.