The state of shamans/warrior/druids is Horrifying

This is absurd. It took one guy to make it infinite with fizzle and now everyone is copy pasted. Hello? This is a 100% success rate deck and nobody, the players, let alone blizzard, bat an eye. Atleast cringegar druid has a 1/30 chance for dungar to be at bottom of deck or undrawn.

You will win every single game with warrior and shaman until a mirror match and you, the player, think that’s ok and that it’s fun. How are you guys ok with this? Are we fine with clear abuse of game mechanics as long as we Le Win? As long as we hehe wins super starship hehe fizzle haha stream twitch copypaste deck hehe?

Re read that sentence.

Warrior and shaman have a 100% success and win rate unless they verse a variation of their same deck.

A small daily reminder for any legend player that as of this month and right now during this patch - your legend rank is absolutely invalidated if you have more than one game played on shaman\warrior.

Has anyone ever tried to actually play out a dungar game or a hydration warrior? Have you tried to actually win? I concede almost immediately but yesterday while they were on 3 hp and some 5 armor i decided it was close enough to stay (this would have been my first ever victory against dungar or warrior in 900 games played) and it was absolutely miserable.

4 days ago it should have immediately nerfed the zerg pack, buffed protoss and WELLLL adjusted terran. I can’t comprehend what is going on?

The youtube videos, the streamers, my 3 year old hamster… shaman… warrior… druid… legend…

You can climb to legend with any deck, I did it early this month with lynessa Paladin. Right now you have tons of selection, very strong decks. Zerg discover location hunter, Zerg wallet warlock, Zerg FFU DK, hero power druid, almost all priest decks are capable to get you to legend, dungar druid, protoss rogue, protoss mage, elemental mage, terran shaman infinite/bloodlust, terran warrior. I am enjoying hero power druid and discover Zerg hunter right now.

Dungar is an autopilot deck anyway so you probably just have to accept the L once in awhile against that deck. And for the records control warrior might be afk removal deck but with the new starship package warrior couldn’t afford as much removal as they used to so they have to play for tempo early on. Which means you could get under them way better now.

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Ure delusional, warrior now is one of the worst classes in the game, its countered by dk, druid, shaman and priest and they are everywhere. Considering that tier 1 classes completely counter warrior, he will be many months at the bottom of winrate and there is no way fizzle can help him.

No. The combinations of cards that are good are very finite (especially in Standard).

The good deck builders tend to make very similar decks for that reason.

I mean different people will create the same or similar deck,


What deck are you playing where the game lasts long enough for fizzle to do anything?

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U and the chatgpt guy have one in the same responses but i like you but knock it off

I hate those decks too. I can’t wait for the rotation in 45 days. Most of their good cards are deleted.

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Most games with the classes that abuse Fizzle have no problem shutting down any aggressive deck.

THis was happening on day one.

This just isn’t factually accurate at all.

Not a highrolling fast deck that is latest meta. That’s the true value of aggro decks in reality. They really suck after round ~6 or at best 7 but if they high roll for 3-4 rounds their win rate skyrockets which is the true cause of their average win rate not plummeting.

E.g. weapon rogue today has the second best climbing speed in top 1K, but I doubt it ever wins after turn 7 against a slow deck.