The selected deck is not valid for this game mode

I keep getting this message when trying to play my qwest priest deck.
Its a standard deck but I cant play it in any mode, even practice against the innkeeper.
Its not missing any cards I gave it a work over when the patch rotated some cards.
Whats going on?

Edit the deck. Hover over the picture of the priest at the top of the card list. Click the button that pops up to Convert to Standard. Get rid of all the red cards and replace them with something else. Now save the deck.

Thanks already tried that :slight_smile:

Some other people reported problems with their priest decks as well. Keep that deck but try creating a new one with the same cards and see what happens.

Guess I’ll give it a try.
not to many options

Another option is to create the second deck, start with only one of your priest cards in it, and all the rest neutrals that aren’t in he other deck. Slowly replace one neutral with a card in your deck until you find the one causing the issue.

I get this error message sometimes when trying to play my mind blast deck IN WILD. lol

Usually, I just have to click the button again, and it will go.

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Even Blizzard hates Priest apparently

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I remember there was a bug awhile back where you could make a ‘valid’ deck with more than 2 copies of a single card. It would show up as a useable deck (IE it wasn’t crossed out), but it would be unplayable when you actually tried to enter a game with it.

This is indeed a bug that slips in from time to time for some reason. A deck can be valid for a bunch of days, be invalid for a day, then be valid again for a bunch of days until it once again decides to invalidate your deck for a single day.

do your priest decks have shadow word death ? got the same error and its always the same card

in one of my decks the card was removed from it
the slots were glowing as if i had loaded a recipe without owning it

Well, i rebuilt the exact same deck and it is working for some reason??
oh well.

its a weird bugg if you try to edit the bugged deck youll notice basic cards missing from your collection

It’s a bug.

I play a deck in standard. Fine. Next game “The selected deck is not valid for this game mode.”

Sure Blizzard. Sure.

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Submit to Bug Report or Technical Support.

I have, several people having similar issues with priest decks.

Small company problems.

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+1 on this problem. Priest deck here as well.

What I do when I get it is just delete my deck, and make a new and it’s fixed.