The One-Amalgam Band crash?

After new update, I was playing a menagerie Warrior and my game crashed immediately after playing The One-Amalgam Band. I am quite sure this was the source, since the effect didn’t even resolve. The game froze, went on ‘reconnecting’ and started stuttering until it closed. I was not able to reconnect to the game again, as the reconnecting message would appear again and the stuttering would come back. After a few tries to get back to the game, the game told me that is was unable to reconnect with the game and resumed working normally.

Edit: I now played another Amalgam Band with no issues. For context, the one I played with the crash was really big in minion types and was played after having played a Tony discovered off Nelly (probably irrelevant info but that’s that).

Edit 2: Yeah, definitely bugged. It happened again with a very high minion type count. Similar context this time. Very big amalgam, no deck remaining, animation didn’t resolve, game started crashing and stuttering, then closed. Can’t get back to my match.

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Same here, 3 crash tonight on that same card before i suspect a bug and found your topic here.