Hello forum goer’s, It is me, for those of the old times on here may Remember me As the Druid Dad, Who only plays Druid decks, and will try Druid deck and give feed back on making them able to fight ‘meta’ decks.
It’s been roughly 2-3 years since I play, so I am lacking cards, and dust to do What I use to, so I’m not here to try deck as I’ll be most likely missing cards (majority of Druid and Neutral cards). But to ask What type of Druid deck that may be ‘old’ that need very few new card added to be good.
I did seem to made Highlander Dragon Druid that works well in wild. And my List isn’t much different from the meta after I blindly built mine, but mine does have more retort to stall/mill games…
But what older decks that may be updated with few cards, and won’t be much more expensive to make viable.
Here a few decks I can recall of older time that my exist still or haven’t been updated.
Clown Druid
Yogg/Wheel Druid
Beast Druid
Deathrattle N’zoth Druid
C’thun Druid
Jade Druid
Control Druid
Celestial Druid
Primordial Druid
Guardian animal/Trasher Druid
Menagerie Druid
Ramp Druid AKA - Big/Quest w/ Barny
Gonk Druid/Hero Power
The reason i’m not listing Maly/OTK Druid, it seem there a new boomkin that fill that role, and most people won’t look at old OTK/Maly Druid when newer card do better.
You may also ask why I didn’t say Agro/Token Druid, and that’s again cause I’m not looking for top meta deck to play rather look at older deck that have a hint of newer cards, and Agro/Token Druid is generally the same, unless you look at spell token druid, but it still act the same and less of a good way to learn newer cards.