Why blizzard put this horrible minions on tier 7 like wth. What is the purpose other then make people lowroll their t7 discovery.
There is a few more that are straight up bad but this one is the worst.
This minion would be bad even if it was at tier 5. Let alone tier 6 or tier 7 like wth why??
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I haven’t seen it but I do feel that way about the current tier 6 pirate… admiral soandso…like how is it tier 6? Maybe tier 5 at best .
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That one is rather situational. Its also tier 7,make a friendly minion golden.
I think it can still be quiet good though in some situations. like it at least has quiet a bit of potential even though you still need a good target to make it worth it.
The elemental is a 1/17 taunt. And any minion that attacks it get its health reduced to 1.
So its sort of like poison but only when attacked into it. By the time you get this minion the enemy will probably have 17 att so it will trade 1 for 1 at best without any sort of utility other then having taunt. And it still dies for more or less free against something like a deflecto or other shielded minion.
Its just a very underwhelming and also very plain minion without any potential. And if it ever gets any potential the opponent trades it with a leroy or something.
Of course the opponent would be sad if he ran a 100-100 into it but the same goes for any venomous leroy. The only thing this guy has going for it is that it has taunt right from the start so you dont need to spend a card to give it taunt. But that at the same time makes it somewhat easy to play around.
I dont know,i did expect something more epic from tier 7 minions then a rather generic taunt with a sort of poison effect.
There is a nice thread on reddit with a good oversight of all the minions from the new cycle.
Now that i think about it,its not bad to pull from the murloc that summons a minion but so is any venom/poison.
It’s hard say how good or bad ANY of these minions are yet. The pool of minions overall is changing dramatically. ATM i don’t really see a solid scam build to build any longer so this could fill that role.
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I imagine as most elemental players do now that it wouldnt just begin at 17 hp but would have gained many stats in the tavern buffs over the course of the game from the Demon/Elemental tavern buffer as well as the (new to me) Nomi (non elemental but part of their tribe) and Deathrattle elemental that both buff the taverns. Also quests. So I doubt you’ll be encountering many of these at stock hp.
Also helpful for making those high health reborns easier to down even if this goes down with it on the first life. Same for making those divine shielded enemies easier to take down that high stupid high health too. Sure this is meant to go down in most encounters I can concede to that much but I think its value is a little more than what has been stated thus far. Given a couple of these on the board I can see those huge hp divine shielded or reborn boards being easier to down. Keeping one in hand with that murloc as stated would prolong this effect too.
I can see this minimizing the threats of normally op builds. Also if it is the lowest attack minion it can easily be a nerf to someone op windfury small sniper from tier 7. lol
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Opponent: Has minions at 2 billion HP.
Me: Has a minion that sets the enemy health to 1.
Neverlucky: WhY iS tHiS mInIoN sO bAd?
Maybe it is not completely horrible.
But lets compare with mantis queen at tier6 (which had gone out by now).
Is this better then queen? I have trouble seeing that. Queen could get reborn and go 2 for 1. Can even put queens first and it would often trade 2 for 1 against this guy no matter how much hp.
If this has a lots of hp it can trade 3/1 but it still has taunt and dies 1/1 to venom leroy.
I just dont think its worty to be t7.
Its a generic defensive minion. And it wont benefit from tavern buffs if you discover it.
And would this be worth going to t7 when play elemental? I dont think so.
Even at t6 this would not be amazing i think but will see how it goes.
This is the problem with your thinking. You are still thinking about what exists and comparing this card to it. When the patch goes live the only thing BG’s will have in common with how it was before the patch is that it’s called Battlegrounds. The whole mode is being massively overhauled. We have ZERO idea how good or bad any cards are until we play the mode a good bit post patch.
From my perspective 7drops… Dunno. My question is - when are you getting them? What will it cost to get to T7? If it starts at 12 gold (so you need to be 2 turns at T6 without selling), that would mean most likely extremely late. Tripples at T6 not reliable probably.
I would say most likely you will have working game-end plan by the time you see your first T7 minion and it will most likely not be wroth
I feel like most of them are not broken enough to be worth changing the game plan and often I will pick one of those eco things rather than different tribes. Only true exception is Oracle, which you dont need to do anything with. You just keep one minion in hand (With divine shield ideally) and you are happy as long as you get the value. Especially if you have the Gill, that will spawn it afterwards… That is maybe the only true highroll (especially being poison, not venom).
Argent, Sargeras, ravager, Sanguine feel like trash. You can use Argent, if you have one huge minion, sure… That is kind of it…? But will be sniped by pretty much anything and if you are outscaled, this will most likely not change it…
Amalgadon is question - if it is venomous, it is trash. If poisonous, it is TOP.
Varian, Sea witch and Sanders seem like a backup option, if you miss on those you want.
Granite - I would say situational - you want it if playing against some scaling class (pirates, elementals, demons, dragons), but does nothing against undead/beast/mechs/murlocs (if spawning)).
Moira depends - in current meta can be broken with murlocs (or the Rylak comp?), but otherwise if you want battlecries OR deathrattles you most likely already have a bran/baron. Still OK, if you can use it.
The class specific… Dunno. Unless you have the build for it already, it will not work well.
Boommobile… I dont see use of it at turn 15 without big foe reaper or another big mech you want to put these buffs onb, playing against stat heavy tribe. Yeah, against spawning tribes, it will be good, but I would say in many other games not.
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People with MMR above 6.5k : “I cant see the use for this because of X. Y or Z are much better because of the inverted axis of W. Floogledorf bon vwerp Something something Darkside.”
Everyone Else: “Oooh, this looks fun. I can think of a few times I can really make this useable.”
Well maybe.
But BG has always been a game where most players try max their winrate. Its not like constructed where you can play meme decks for fun. BG doesnt have the structure for such options.
So imo all minions should be good and competitive. Not dilute the pool with a cute minion that noone will ever pick. And this minion doesnt even have that “well maybe i can make this work if all stars align” feel to it either.
I did expect more from t7. New winconditions or cards that can create winconditions. The pirate for example i do like,i can think of situations where it will be awesome even though such situations might be very rare. That is the issue i have with this card. I cant think of a situation where this will be awesome. Other then discovering it very early and giving you some tempo. But is that what you would want from a t7 discovery?
Every minion must be good and competitive? Um. ok. I dont know if you have been playing the game I have been… but there are plenty of minions from every tribe and even tribeless that are autoskipped. They can be useful in a niche need and find their utility from time to time but I’d like to know how EVERY minion MUST be both GOOD and COMPETITIVE? This is assuming you play the game in a competitive mindset. The only reason I even pay attention to my MMR is so I can maintain where the fun is had and where the regret begins. (6k MMR and up is where the regret begins and fun is rare… for me). Which is fine if thats your thing. But its a tall glass of water to drink to make the assumptions you are about the game.
It sure does… you just do it and don’t care. The more you force memes, the more your ranking drops and the easier it is.
I stopped caring about MMR after the last update, put on the clown nose and the giant shoes, and just tried to make the biggest minions I could. That’s it. Just tried to make on giant minion.
I think this sums up my issue. There are so many situational neutral and tribe minions as to ruin the game right now. You just roll through crap and pray. That’s not an interesting game to me.
After the last update I rarely go to tier 6 much less seven. Outside of bristlebach, the payoff cards aren’t good enough to lose the tempo of adding better pieces.
Why would I rush for murkeye when I can do the same thing rylak and dump it for better minions at that point? Most of the battlecries are gone to the point that brann feels like a bad pick in most games. And it’s the same with most of the rest of the tribes right now.
It’s really, really bad, imo.
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This. I think there are maybe 4 or 5 battlecry minions in total in most lobbies. I have recently discovered that beast with deathrattle that will proc adjacent battlecries… which is mostly pointless as whenever you can even run into this tier minion there are no longer any battlecry minions offered in taverns. Ever. It doesnt help that Beasts lack any save for the taunt giving one thats a super high tier like 4 or 5. I saw someone use it with the quillboars and murlocs to decimate me earlier today. When I find it tho neither of those tribes are in game tho…
Maybe because its not always a beast lobby. Maybe something in tier 6 is worth digging for in your build.
Not often though. I usually don’t go above tier 5, and just hope I can triple into a tier 6 minion.
The question was rhetorical. The point was the payoff was insufficient. I would rather roll on five than pay to upgrade to six in most cases.
This was my exact point.