That is quite the statement. You understand K7 is a well known Chinese streamer? Do you think maybe having a Chinese streamer introducing some new cards as China just got their servers back isn’t a good idea??
It sucks but at least you get the 3 good ones off the single DR. There looks to be quite a few ways to duplicate them or get more copies. I’m excited to play Paladin again. Libram was my all time favorite Paladin deck to play.
The Wiki was updated and now it is clear how this card works:
"Despite the ambiguous wording, this card only sets the attack and health of the minion to 10 once. It does not keep „refreshing“ the minion’s stats to 10/10 constantly.
If the original minion is damaged, this card will keep the damage in the modified stats. For example, if a 4/4 minion that was damaged to a 4/2 is affected by this, it will get set to a 10/8 damaged minion, with max 10 health."
Really? Wouldn’t that mean you’ll always get the same 3 librams?
If judgment was in the pool there there’s a chance you don’t get a libram you wanted
People say they’re tired of handbuff, but I suspect soon they’ll cry about the good old pally god curve.
Turn 1: neutral 1 drop or protector
Turn 2: Silverwing or the new 2 drop to draw libram, goldpanner and instrument tech are there if draw is better than tempo
Turn 3: Weapon, trinket artist, maybe even holy cowboy with all the holy spells in the deck
Turn 4: wayfarer, equip second weapon just for the battlecry, grillmaster, boogie down
Turn 5: Yrel
Turn 6: Lumia
Somebody said it already I think. Plenty of opportunities to repeat with conman, and once those librams cost 0 they can be repeated by lynessa.
And spellburst is going to be a thing. We already see rogues doing shaffer things. Do remember both rogues and pallies were people who abused pen flinger aka HEY LOSER the last time.
Libram of Clarity is going to get a lot of hate. This almost certainly gets nerfed to 4 mana. It’s 3 mana draw 2 tutor as a BASE. This will be 0 mana draw 2 get buffs. That’s ridiculous.
Libram of Divinity is close to getting the same treatment.
And friendly reminder that this is in the game in standard…so expect Paladin to play this, dump like 8 Libram of Divinity spells on a minion FOR FREE and hitting your face for a boat load of damage
While i understand you there is a lore reason for not.
That is that libram of judgement is corrupted. Also it is from the negraluna expansion that is technically another timeline.
But nowadays blizzard is really pushing the buzzwords to the limit with their cards. Because you can see on the legendary that this wording is specifically to avoid “a libram of the past” so they aren’t obligated to put every libram ever printed in the pool.
Great combo. Also we shouldn’t underestimate the effect of F2P people. They are not that eager to craft anything and if almost no netdeck uses it then they won’t craft it.
edit: Oof it’s from Festival. It won’t be crafted at all by the F2P who know how to optimize dust (if it’s a priority to them).
It’s totally fin if anything I suspect they might buff the weapon because it sucks at 2/3. Should be 3/2 instead. If anything the libram discounts feel very slow and awkward.
My first deck was Libram Paladin when returned about 3 years ago. I just loved to play it and improve step by step. I hope the game will be playable again after the rotation… or maybe even before.