The most useless button in all of Hearthstone

Salty because of a button?! What a time to be alive.

Who’s salty?

The one who posted in reddit.

That was their first mistake.

When I go AFK, am disconnected, and use this option to reconnect it usually works. It saves me the time from having to restart the program. If I am gone long enough that my computer falls asleep, however, it won’t work upon its awakening.

And how does that make one salty? I don’t see anyone getting salty here or there.

Sounds more like you’re being salty that someone made a post.

I hope they release a bug fix patch this week to fix all the bugs. The “new” card bug is really annoying.

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Can’t argue, I don’t understand the use of this reconnect panel.

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Can confirm it does not work on mobile, at least it never had for me.

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I actually haven’t tried to reconnect in a long time because it never has worked for me lol

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Iksar implied there’s a MAJOR update for the hearthstone the fourth quarter of this year.

I hope it’s a massively updated and optimized client.

Thats a weird way to spell Mercenaries Mode.


You mean the person who made the post did it with a smile on their face? You think when that person got disconnected and tried to reconnect, they said something like “hihihihi, I can’t reconnect. So funny, I should post it on reddit.”?
Oh no no no, here’s what I think happened: That person got frustrated because they couldn’t reconnect, cursed every Blizzard developer and their families, then posted it on reddit. THE END

You’re really going so far out on a limb here, it’s crazy.

You know how I know? Because I’M the one who posted on reddit. It’s my post. That post and this post are me.

So why did I post this? Because I clicked reconnect and I literally laughed as I clicked. It’s always been an on-going joke for me that the Cancel button is really the Reconnect button. I decided to screenshot and make a funny little quip and post it to see if others had a funny response or story as to how it doesn’t work (expecting to get replies like “The cancel button works better than the Reconnect button”) and that’s exactly the reply I got from some people. “Change my mind” is part of the hint here that this was meant to be funny as that phrase comes from the often used meme with the guy sitting at the desk with a smile on his face.

The irony here is that it looks like all of this triggered you. Look at your response. You just went full salt.

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