The meta is really boring

I don’t know what more to say about it but reno is played in 9 classes and that to not even talk about the nerfs going full cycle and making handbuff paladin the top tier deck again.

And no. Nerf even more stuff will not make things better.


Yeah, haven’t played any this month.
Atp, just waiting on the new expansion announcement.

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I am still hanging out around here now and then for some reason but I haven’t played the game in weeks (aside from a few twist games to try the mode now). I simply find no reason to do so. This expansion has been rough by every metric.

This cycle has been by far the one where I have taken longer and more frequent breaks from playing. It’s not just simply that I don’t like the meta. I 100% just feel the game has gotten… so bad. I realized that following everything related to HS on multiple online platforms just keeps getting me back so I recently did a bit of a clean-up to disengage from the whole thing. I want to see what the next expansion is but if design doesn’t magically become 10 times better Imma be saying goodbye to this soon. It’s not really a balance issue. The gameplay design just sucks.


Totally got you but at the same time idk what they could even do that fullfill that expectation.


  1. The game is so combo friendly to decks that you can do literally any combo you want if the opponent gives you enough time. This should change and don’t really care if people start crying a salt river.

2.All that talk about player agency and yet most decks are at their dumbest state possible.
Blizzard should understand that player agency is when bad players lose and not when you witch hunt combo decks.

Some decks in the game could literally be played to perfection by chatgpt. That type of deck can’t have place at the top of any metagame. period.

  1. Interaction for ALL. Even for control decks. Really tired of that type of player whinning about combo decks when the only one who gets to play the game when people try to use the board is he.

And this is just to hit at the surface level.

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Perhaps too many cards have become unbalanceable, and will just replace others with nerfs? May as well be rolling dice, do we?

Perhaps it’s better to have a good back and forth than just bonkers cards that only feel good to play but offer little of any strategy, is it? Yeah know, cause if you have a good game it can still be satisfying if you lose. Who’d of thought it?

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It probably isn’t a coincidence that this is one of the few times in (standard) hearthstone history there is no murloc decks available.

With that said the game has sort of lost its flavor… Do they really need to have 2 handbuff classes (DK/paladin)?

That goes for tribals (elemental shaman/mage) as well

It doesnt help that most of the different playstyles (earthen paladin/taunt warrior to name two of many) are overshadowed by other decks in their classes and unplayable otherwise.

Its also worth repeating from the original post that a few powerful neutrals (zillax and reno) are cards everyone can build on and everyone does build on so it just creates what seems to be homogeneous gameplay.

There are a few brightspots… Nostalgia shaman is pretty fun and actually competitive enough (for me at least). Its not the most complex gameplan in hearthstone history but its interesting enough to try to execute right. But it doesnt really matter when everyone else is playing what might as well be the same deck over and over again.

I am about tired of seeing Highlander decks everywhere. Not going to waste my time playing a long match with the Reno decks. It is annoying and not fun. I have decided to play spell Mage and some Secret Hunter but otherwise expectations are low. I really hate playing against spell mages but I have been entertaining myself with it. As soon as this Highlander meta goes away the better. And I am super bored of playing Paladin as well. Just having a hard time having any fun. Just doing quests for now.

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The new “Mini” or " Giga " cards were pretty lame.

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Minami, can’t say I always agree with your takes, but this one I one hundred percent agree. It feels like every competitive deck is a slight rehash of what we have had for the past 2, 3 or 4 months.

It seems like they are terrified of letting cards shake up up the meta, they rather regress back to handbuff Paladin, fatigue Warlock, dragon priest, excavate rogue, Reno warrior that have been played ad nauseum.

They could have the decency to un nerf wheel of death.

I honestly don’t see Reno much cause I end games well before Reno is relevant, and no one at my MMR plays Reno decks other than warrior and highlander Paladin.

I played Standard A LOT last month, so I don’t know if I can say that I found it boring overall. But I have barely touched Ranked so far this month, and I don’t really feel a desire to. I honestly think I just played it out. But um I can’t really argue with the thesis of the opening post in good conscience.

I don’t know if it’s reasonable to expect a meta to stay interesting for too long, but regardless of whether it is or isn’t reasonable to expect, I do feel like this one’s run out of gas for me.

I’m just sick of Warriors and Paladins (although Paladins because they hard-counter me, so it doesn’t really count)

The rest is fine, I like the selection of decks I can choose from

It’s fine to play tier 3 decks. Norwis alone brought Nature Shaman from not existing on the tier lists to tier 2-3, just like I’ve been doing with sludgelock for a month or two before

When you accept that to be true, suddenly you can play almost whatever you want

Smeet is forcing a Reno DH which is probably tier 5, and it kinda works

Just fix this god damned Warrior and it should all be fine until the expansion

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Mini-set wasn’t influential enough.

It resulted in the stale meta from before.

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As long as Reno exists the game will be trash. I do not think people understand how much 1 card is ruining this game. Every single deck has to answer the question: Can this beat a turn 9 Reno? If the answer is no, the deck is immediately trash.

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Why you complaining when you could be trying to get better?

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Warrior and Hunter used to be even more focused on Handbuffs then Paladin was, so I don’t get that first point.

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The point was to spread different mechanics around… What really would be the point of handbuff warrior/hunter/dk/paladin?

To me a variety would be more fun… a viable amalgum warrior… beast hunter… undead dk as general examples.

If every class is utilizing the same mechanic, they essentially become the same class… not to mention 1 class will end up having the stronger deck making the other classes obsolete (handbuff paladin overtaking handbuff dk for example)

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What a coincidence I also didn’t touch game for last two weeks.

New weekly quest were a great help to quit before I was playing to complete them but now it is hard to complete by playing once every three days now I simply don’t play at all.

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That’s because you are playing the opposite end of the competitive meta. Just replace the decks you are playing with the OP statement about Highlander decks. There’s no room for anything in between and that’s kind of the crux of the problem.

On a side note. The meta we currently have is basically a full circle of the meta we had a few patches back. Nothing has really changed. It’s not likely to either because of them trying to drop overall power level till next years rotation. AT this point it’s probably best to just go back and rebalance very OP card from last years sets if they want to keep overall player interest.

The only thing keeping the majority playing is BG’s.


I only play once every 5 years because of this cycle

I guess I technically have one for wild only (if there’s no dupes right?) but I don’t run Reno. Never will but there’s some Highlander cards I pull out of discover which is nice

For standard I need my multiple copies of things