Yeah, and the tsunami nerf kills any excitement for supernova, as it’s never going to be run now that tsunami is the 8 cost spell.
It was such a a dumb change. Tsunami at 10 was fine.
Just slow down how fast it can be cheated out.
Yeah, and the tsunami nerf kills any excitement for supernova, as it’s never going to be run now that tsunami is the 8 cost spell.
It was such a a dumb change. Tsunami at 10 was fine.
Just slow down how fast it can be cheated out.
With all respect.
We all know supernova does not do the cut for bsm anyway.
It had a chance to, honestly.
Definitely not with tsunami at 8.
I see no reason not to do it, it just isn’t for me.
I want what mage has always had until they gave it to druid, hunter, and rogue.
Guess I expect too much.
Looking at the supernova cards about 1/3 of the cards are damage cards…
You wouldnt really want to run it in sif mage as you’re doing double sif into molten + flame gyser which doesnt need any supernova discounts
BSM would have to make an alternate build because you really dont want to be drawing it off of surfpod. You’d probably want to use a draenei package or something to build around it
No minion mage has a strong chance of generating a bunch of minion centric cards which end up dead so its probably a whiff in that deck but I mean there definitely is the potential for getting 5 sunset volleys (although you might as well just try to generate it off of yogg in a box if you’re no minion)
I can see a palamage deck using it as you can tutor it with that paladin card and it does have a lot of decent options for minions buffs on top of the damage high roll so half of the cards wont end up dead in hand like with some other decks
Fire elemental mage will probably use it just for the highroll potential
Most decks though will probably have hand space issues to where realistically you’ll only get 3-5 cards out of it which sort of limits the highroll potential
Its definitely the new rune of the archmage.
I mean, I was among the first ones to dust off the Tsunamis yesterday to get some free dust
But now that I think about it, not much changes for BSM
If anything, summoning 3 instead of 4 increases the chance of getting the full value out of Conman the next turn
I believe, when all the other nerfs have been taken into account, that Mage should rise up to be even stronger than before the patch.
They don’t look bad on the stats. But they appear to rely too much on king tide and conman and generally a small collection of cards to be in hand, so it seems obnoxious to play if the stars don’t align.
#Clunky ??
Ten characters
Yes why do you mock the phrase? If your winrate skyrockets if you need less than 1/5th of the deck to be early in hand or else the win rate plummets, it’s pretty clunky (the worst offender is probably the current pirate DH).
The deck strategy doesn’t really change, but it’s noticeably weaker.
Once Renathal is gone, and the meta settles on good decks, I don’t really expect it to survive.
I wasn’t mocking, Sir. That wasn’t my intention at all.
I play a deck right now, with the same handicap.
I feel your frustration.
Apologies if my tone seemed trite.
40 card is still tier 2 and competitive.
I think the Tsunami nerf weakens BSM, since the deck often relies on cheating out Tsunami, and in some of those scenarios the original cost of Tsunami is irrelevant, but the loss of one attacking Water Elemental is not.
I just hit Legend again with XL Orb BSM and here are screenshots of everything that I faced between D3 and Legend:
I am not sure how good the new Spellburst Rogue is against the field, but based on the few times that I encountered the deck, it came across as one of those BS solitaire decks that would be hard to counter for a lot of decks.
The Tsunami nerf seemed to completely neuter a quarter of “the problem” deck. Predictably I started seeing more surflapod oriented orb shenanigans, but aside from me having to use my Paragliders more frivolously/haphazardly to deal with those over eager drawers… I have not seen a single person willingly cast Tsunami since the patch.
I think this “Mage Problem” is finally solved. Only other mage strat I see now is laser spam. Wonder if something else is going to fill the power vacuum.
I am not sure how good the new Spellburst Rogue is against the field, but based on the few times that I encountered the deck, it came across as one of those BS solitaire decks that would be hard to counter for a lot of decks.
I’ve never seen this before in my life xD So many people abusing a deck in red
That looks like one of the most annoying archtypes spawned from rogue unga bunga + a new legendary I think I’ve seen yet.
Hmm~ infinite 3/3 handbuffing…
wonder if anyone else could abuse this?
wonder if anyone else could abuse this?
Apparently not, considering the deck scores are all in red on hsguru xDD
Usually it’s around 52-56, based on how many people play it (52-53 for broken overplayed decks, 55-56 for broken underplayed decks)
This? 46 highest score!
Those numbers seem appropriate for what I was seeing, ffs looks just like Odyn decks. All removal and little backbone, the card game equivalent of an ICBM gambit.
I don’t even understand how the Rainbow part of my shaman deck was what got popularized, I didn’t even own Razzle Dazzler in the deck until after the nerf lol.
Main reason why I was even past gold at all last month was cause the only other intimidating thing in standard was Reno Warrior and other Reno fools that expected a “garunteed rage quit” from one card alone.
One card… that I and Paladins alone apparently figured out how to kill on the spot garunteed everytime mid Lone Zone. “Limit your opponent to one minion slot” “Hey, guess what’s been in my starting hand getting buffed the whole game?” LEEEEROOOOY-
That’s all my strat boiled down to was just very theatrical and unnecessarily complicated buffing of a body with charge on it (Tho I liked to run Caricature artist just so my executioner looked close enough to a cowboy)
Maybe Shaffar could be the missing link that all aggro decks didn’t know they were missing
Maybe Shaffar could be the missing link that all aggro decks didn’t know they were missing
Not really, rare are the classes that can afford to play aggro deck with so much spells to make it viable…only rogue, actually, and perhaps mage, if mage had aggressive minions, which she doesn’t
Oh yeah, maybe Pally, he has some low-cost spells
That could be annoying
I think the Tsunami nerf weakens BSM
I haven’t played it much, but I agree, and here is why.
I think the nerf makes the deck harder to play well.
Less skilled players will lose and get bored.