wrong you get to chose random discovered secrets meaning any class look at the spell titanforged traps it costs 2
In which game mode? Surely not in Standard
yes in standard i dont waste time with other modes
Well, I never see that happen in my life, and I play around 50 games against hunters every day xD
He only has his own secrets to choose from.
Or did you mean Ice trap? That’s an analog to CS.
no there is a chance at counterspell but just because u can make it doesnt mean most people will because of the ice trap is cheaper and more annoying, like i said most players prob do not choose counterspell because its not really as viable as the other options u can get and as i said random so it has to show up to be chosen as well
This spell?
This is the pool you can generate from:
It’s exactly 7 standard Hunter cards xD
ok ill play some and see if i can verify but for now i concede
You can only discover Counterspell with that spell if you’re playing Mage
Now, I don’t know how, possibly by using Discovery of Magic or something similar, but that’s at least possible
Hunter randomly getting to choose counterspell from titanforged traps is impossible xD
EDIT: can’t be done using Discovery of Magic, since it doesn’t have a spell school. But I’m sure it’s possible otherwise.
Dungar only sees play in Druid because specifically of their broken spell ramp. New Horizons needs to be a priority nerf target, along with Ethereal and MC Tech (again).
You 100% can´t get mage secret from Titanforged Traps as Hunter. Currently only way how you can get Mage secret as a Hunter is by using that 3 mana neutral minion (forgot the name) which cast two temporary secrets. And after that, if any of that secrets are triggered, you can re-cast them with Product 9 legendary card.
I´m not sure if it is currently possible to get Titanforged Traps as a Mage. But before rotation you could get it with that epic mage naga who gets you discover spells. It was especially juicy pick, because Counterspell and Objection were both in the pool and if you happened to get both, well…
You can get it with the card ‘hipster’ if your opponent for whatever reason isn’t running titanforged… also azerite vein is another method… if you somehow get mixtape through supernova thats yet another way.
Theres no consistent way to get it but it can be done.
Dungar is busted. Done with Hearthstone specifically because this lame card is instant win.
Agree with this completely.
I feel like the conditions around the game should be constant - mana cap, hand size, starting health, deck size, etc. - to make balancing cards actually possible.
I find this especially important in a world where neutral legendary cards are such a big deal.
Your feelings are very wrong, because you already have mana inequalities anyway because of how the cards consume and reward mana.
Straight to the point example: instead of a druid getting a lot of mana: it could have cards that progressively reduce all costs.
PS even if it’s not the exact same thing (e.g. a card can turn to 0 cost fast in the example),
it shows that total mana isn’t the only way to make a class cheat a lot of mana.
Card cost isn’t the same thing. At all. You can discount cards with other cards and effects… that’s something every class can do.
Sure, but druid can do both and most classes have ways to discout cards. Druid is playing discounted stuff and more of it because they’re breaking the rules.
It doesn’t do both. The typical ramp druid is expensive cards with a lot of mana. Dungar is neutral and the Titan is 10 mana and late game.
E.g. the end game of warrior is way cheaper that druid’s if there was no ramping, and most other end games are cheaper than that.
Unless you are playing some insane hyper aggro deck. You should be playing an MC Tech in deck or even two. The card flat out destroys Dungar druid and is highly competitive against a host of other decks.
I’ll second this. If they play it and you have MC Tech in hand you are probably going to be fine and you might even just win.