The game is currently in its worst state atm

Absolutely horrendous atm.

This game peaked during forged in the barrens, united in stormwind and alterac valley year.

The game is not fun at all. Reno is not fun. Zillax is not fun. And all the competitive classes atm have insane draw and card manipulation.

Game will be dead soon



You’ll be saying this for the next 10+ years.


thats trolls favourite line they say it on all games i played destiny 2

all of them had people posting stuff like that OP …every week for years usually starting on the day the game is released


I think the game has gone downhill ever since the rush mechanic was introduced, it’s not really rush itself but the minions are too good for what they do considering you get to instantly attack the turn you summon. The balance is just way off now and there’s not many variety of decks or play-styles. I think I’ve gotten to legend 4 or 5 times so far and each time I’ve got there I used super brain-dead aggro decks, really no skill was involved on my part. I think control decks need to be better aside from Warrior. Balance team is blatantly bad I think that’s the biggest reason why the game has become so non-interactive. Oh yea and the RNG card generation has ruined the game too, I like it when it’s very minimal but nowadays you can chain discover things and it’s just bonkers. You discover a card that lets you discover a card that lets you discover a card and it’s just not fun when everything is so random and chaotic. I understand it’s a card game and it’s RNG at the core but the amount of RNG is just too much especially in standard where you want to play with a constructed deck and not an RNG circus deck.

As bad as you might think it is. It’s nowhere near as bad as it was at the beginning of the SW meta or when Genn and Baku dictated the meta.

You must not know what “soon” means. The game was dying soon for 10 years and will continue dying soon for the next 10.

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As long as it makes money it will exist.
The day it doesn’t MS will pull the plug.

It’s profitable enough for them to run it with minimal staff. Thus why their budget got slashed so hard. I expect next year for it to drop more unless reintroducing it to China nets them a huge windfall.

ATM they don’t even list HS separately on their quarterly earnings. They stopped doing that the moment Marvel Snap was destroying them and every other online CCG.

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I don’t think your insights invalidate what I’ve said.
If it makes a profit they will allow it to continue.
As soon as it doesn’t, they will shutter it.

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That’s not the only thing their budget depends on. It also depends on the sponsorships they get, as do all eSports games, and whole eSports industry (well, more or less) suffered a huge loss in sponsorships after the cryptocurrency market crash last year

Once it recovers, or once new sponsors enter the market, it’ll recover

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Overwatch is dead. Destiny is dead except a week or two after a major release when a few players come back. I don’t know what you’re talking about. The only game of those three that is genuinely doing well is Fortnite… which to be fair, has, much to my chagrin, gone hard for far too long.

I wouldn’t say the meta is the worst its ever been certainly there are much worse ones in history.

The negatives of this meta are:

  • Extremely repetitive, very little innovation, a few decks have been dominating the format for FAR too long. Unfortunately, I doubt many people enjoy the play patterns of the most dominant decks. Nearly all my friends (a lot of whom are top 100 players), have basically fallen off the map, haven’t seen them play in weeks.

  • There is a series of broken effects holding this meta altogether. For example, dragon druid ramps into its pay-offs generally and hail-marry’s that they will live long enough to stabilize. Aggro decks hope to god they roll the things they need to push tempo, a great example of this is shopper DH, if they dont roll Mag or Inquistior on their first demon their winrate drops by 10-30%. Basically, no deck plays “fair” they are all hail-marying their plays hoping to cheat as much tempo as possible.

  • The room for skill expression is basically none. Its really hard to play against a dominant deck that will just crush you playing the most obvious play in hand. People say mining rogue is the highest skill deck in the format, and its pretty damn easy to play optimally. I personally think shopper DH is the hardest deck to play correctly in the format, as it presents the most interesting choices that most people will likely get wrong. Before the nerfs, pain lock was probably the highest skill cap deck in the format, but its not non-competitive.

  • Games degrade into non-games very early on. Hand-buffs just take off with the game, or gaslight rouges pop off T4 instead of 5 or 6, or druids slam 4 copies of doomkin in a control MU. I’m not clear why blizzard thinks non-games are better than OTKs but they seem to have a hard stance against OTKs running off with the meta but are perfefctly happy with decks that win via non-games. In my opinion, there’s not much difference between these two play patterns, its just that non-games are more obvious to the losing player, whereas OTKs probably blind-side low-ELO players who don’t know how to read their opponents hand/deck.

In terms of whats good in this meta:

  • One could argue the diversity is good, nearly every class at some point has a T1 or near T1 (ie. high T2) deck that is viable. Exceptions I believe are shaman (maybe nature?) and umm… that might be all.

  • If you like repetitive game-play that is nearly scripted this meta is for you. But that’s a stretch to call it positive.

In total its like 1.5 Good points vs 4 bad points, so definitely not as bad as some metas in the past, but definitely not a great meta by an stretch of the imagination.


All I know is late game beasts and murlocs in battlegrounds are both broken af and I won’t play standard because…well,im just lazy.


And the games are way too long and everyone is using Reno, like the worst gameplay ever.