The expansion won't change the game unless

We are at a point where power creep is so off the charts that the only meaningful way to change the game with an expansion is with more power creep. Unless they add anti-highlander tech into the game those decks will just get even stronger and oppressive.

The only way I see the meta getting mixed up is if they make aggressive decks far more powerful or give some sort of counterplay against removal/aoe. As it is now, most removal is going to easily make a 2 for 1 or if it is aoe 3 for 1. AOE like Bellowing Flame and Malfunction make it outright stupid to play minions that aren’t just building up to later plays, IE Grimsestreet, Instrument Tech, and Muscle o Tron. See a pattern here?

Unless they do something to make removal less impactful, it will just continue to be game after game of playing removal till you play Zilliax and Reno.

Spot on. the game is gumbo now.

people love to tak way too early about next expansion every single expansion

we dont know half the cards from the next expansion or the balance changes on the next patch…

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I don’t need to talk about the next expansion. The game is already broken.

We are at a point where there are ZERO successful agro decks in the game. There is exactly ONE successful midrange deck. That level of ineptitude is honestly impressive. I do not have high hopes for a team this bad at their jobs and I am prepping to be gone for another 5+ years.

Edit: To put this even more in perspective. I have hit legend every month since returning, I have made it into top 400. But, the game is so unsatisfying that even winning feels awful. When you game is so bad that winning sucks you have truly created a turd.

i think over 10 years no other deck type been at the top more often than aggro…whats wrong with it not being as good for 1 expansion?

I think the problem is not that aggro isnt that good at the moment but more of the fact that we have a lot of classes playing the same powerful neutral cards, making the game have less and less variety to it.

I think you are very astute.
If I were in charge the first thing I would do is nuke neutral cards.

You think wrong…

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