The devs need to up their game

So a patch is coming out with just two nerfs to Photographer Fizzle and Nexus Prince. Meanwhile, everyone is losing their heads over broken zerg aura mechanics and Terran Shaman.

It took months for Ethereal Oracle to finally be nerfed, and when it did it came far too late to be of any consequence.

Adding to this you still have older cards like Pop-up Book which is in 100% of Shaman decks, and yet for some reason has never been considered to be problematic.

Remember when Demon Hunter was nerfed the day after release? Team 5 must be a skeleton crew by now because they are always several months behind to address present issues.

The current approach to balancing gameplay simply isn’t good enough.

i havent seen asteroid shaman since the nerf i so it had a consequence

It was of huge consequence. You just couldn’t tell because the miniset released at the same time. Asteroid shaman, cycle rogue, an even better terran shaman, Spell damage druid… a long list of very bad meta contenders were avoided by this nerf.

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