The Commoner's Guild (Discord)

Many, and probably most, of you are unaware that there is a forum-based Discord channel wherein you can converse with your fellow players. Gain tips, knowledge, corrections, and so forth. It is worth a shot if you find yourself lonely in this game, with the explicit desire to get better.

I strongly recommend joining. Everyone are chill as cucumbers, and willing to assist you with any questions you have, players will be willing to spectate you (if you so choose) to gain some very useful tips.

As an aside, if we can accumulate enough players in this Discord, who knows? I know the CG used to have tournaments, but I didn’t play then and suspect this was several years ago. I think it can be very fun, for all of us.

Lastly, for anyone interested in making a friend, add me at Killuminati#11956. The more friends, the merrier.

And so, please, let’s make this happen! :smiley:

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