The accessibility problem of hearthstone

I think everyone realises Hearthstone has become more expensive. Even if we can’t easily prove it, we know there are more legendaries in decks, we know Highlander decks are very expensive. We know Blizzard is doing everything they can to maximize profits.

But I think this creates a wider problem, I feel like there is a bubble that forms around Hearthstone and PC gaming that is only accessible if you are well off financially. I see a space where you have the have and have nots. Games that are less and less inclusive, where microtransations used to be cosmetic, now they are part of your status in the game, a monetary ceiling now restricts your ability to be part of a game.

I see these threads about how many Legendaries person A or B got from opening packs, where everyone mentions they opened 50+, 100+, 200+ card packs. And I’m thinking to myself, that is a lot of money, that is money that regular people don’t have to spend on games.

Gaming companies themselves seem to have no problem splitting the community up like that either. For all the claims they make about making games more accessible, they seem to be doing the opposite. Personal wealth has become the biggest factor determining one’s experience within the game world.

Yet I don’t think this can last. It’s not just the cost of the game, or the cost of PC hardware, or the cost of microtransations…it’s the fact you are splitting up PC gamers, creating a group of privileged gamers who have money, and gamers who don’t, who feel they are treated as second rank citizens. You’re driving them off to cheaper forms of entertainment where they are not nickel and dimed, where spending habits isn’t used to divide players into groups.


some deck are expensive. But other aren’t. I went legend as a FTP player during this expansion. You can do it. Its way better than it was before, a lot more deck are good and you get a good one for free , + Demon hunter classic card that were basically given to you. So that two class you can play with.

Idk i dont even use half of my lego cards.

30x50x4= 6000g or 60 packs you get if you only do your daily qs. That is enough for at least one new archetype you can play this expansion, while being lazy and f2p.

money ? you can open that many packs each expansion with just gold

I think we need to look at an even broader view.

HS has indeed increase in “cost” but largely due to more contents.

F2P options has always been available but at an expense of commitment, time and patience (and choice limitation).

Alot of player has find it hard to come to term with it, and especially not ready to make adjustment to accommodate to the system. This made worse when players new to this particular genre compares it to other genre they are accustom to.

And as you indicated, that HS cater to both payers and F2P, each group will view the game from different perspective, and different wants/wishes.

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This article is from 2018, but makes a very interesting precursor to you thread.

There are parts of the world (cough cough) where rather than being considered a waste, it’s a social status mark to be able to dump money into a game. That takes it too far IMO, but with the spread of influence from those sectors across the global view towards the economics of gaming, I think we’d need to see a cultural bubble get popped before anything happens outside of sliding more and more in that direction.

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hs is dying, its not very new player friendly.

I wholly agree!!

I even made my own thread about it, but the typical batch of trolls mass-reported it and got it deleted unjustly.

Hearthstone should be 100% free.

Last time I checked Hearthstone is completely free to download on PC and the App Store.

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Let me rephrase - there should be no way to spend money in Hearthstone. Maybe for cosmetics, but that’s it.

Video games and entertainment are RIGHTS, not privileges.

I think everyone realizes that some people will always think Hearthstone has become more expensive, even though they’ve done things to considerably increase the value of both free and paid packs such as triplicate protection.


You’ve got to try a little harder than that. A good troll doesn’t just say something completely outlandish, you have to be more elaborate. I want some nonsensical paragraphs on why all video games should be free dang it.


“Outlandish” is a fascist-capitalist-right term used to oppress people.

Ever since converting to the political left, I’ve had my eyes opened to the fact that if reality is getting the way of my happiness, I just need to rewrite reality and force others to accept it. We aren’t quite there yet, but we’re making solid progress :slightly_smiling_face:

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There we go. That’s better.

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