That lich king quest suck

I’m talking about the hero card quest.
I think we can all agree that quests that require you to play up to three times specifically 1 of the 40 cards you put in your deck suck. Not fun at all, barely requires changing up your deck and you dont get any progression 1/8th of the time.
Event has been good other wise, good work

the holiday quests?

they really are not that bad, unless this is a mercs thing

you are going to have to be more specific about the quest

So true, I remember for a specific example, that deathknight hero card quest, how terrible. Play a deathknight hero card was it three times I remember? Each deck can only have one copy, and the cost is also pretty high, more than 5 mana. Add to the fact that everyone else is playing cheat minion priest, killing me before I get enough mana to play it or before I draw it.


The shaman hero is only 5 mana and you should run a 30 card deck with every other card giving draw. Trying to win with an underpowered hero card weighing down your deck is hard, just finish the quest.


tbh I just threw together a deck with a ton of draw. But then again I don’t play standard.

still won 3 out of 4 games though

I put DK Rexxar, Play Dead and Quickshot into the decklist and let the game autofinish - it was more or less a 30 card version of Beast Hunter (without Tavish) plus a Click-Clocker as the only Mech. :crazy_face:

My poor Deathstalker got farmed 3 times, quest fullfilled.

Meanwhile, I completed the quest by playing my normal highlander hunter in wild with 40 cards and giant warlock with 30 :joy:

Play duels, start off with a 16 card deck and much better chance of being able to play it


I just put a lot of draw cards in a deck with only 30 cards with the cheapest DK Hero card and jumped into Casual. I went with Hunter. I had zero intention to win, just play long enough to play the card and grind the quest.


I used Druid deck where I put Malfurion DK Hero card that cost 7 mana and Capture Coldtooth Mine which can draw highest cost card and a lot of draw. Obviously DK hero was the highest cost card in this deck. Could complete quest in couple of minutes.

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i just built a secret hunter deck with the dk hero was really fast to complete

You could try it with only 30 cards and see if that’s faster.

I just made a murloc shaman with the shaman hero card and drew through my deck/dredged it out and conceded when I played it.

The worst part about the quest chain is that, apparently, ‘Event XP’ replaces ordinary XP for just playing the game (Mercenaries, for instance), so instead of gold from the usual reward track you possibly get those things, which don’t seem that useful for me.

Not even sure if I’m gonna bother with the new special quests, apart from daily, since I generally play Mercenaries, Classic and occasional solo adventures or Tavern Brawls.

Pretty sure I got both, but I would have to look again.

Quests were pretty simple to do… I just made special decks and completed most of them in five turns or less.

You get ordinary XP from the usual sources such as daily or weekly quests, maybe even some achievements. As for ‘traditional’ HS (Classic) — it might be both, but I’ve not noticed XP gains from solo content/Mercs — only those blue things were displayed, and I think I got gold only from completing dailies or weeklies.

If you play those modes — probably it’s doable, yes. I’m still not sure whether it would be worth touching them for some BG emotes or packs, which are useless to me, or a strange skin for Tyrande, which I don’t like much.

My experience with some of the previous legendary events requiring to play some modes that I don’t usually do (Duels, BG and so on) wasn’t a very fun one — I just wanted to get it over with.

… my quests were to use one of the hero cards we got for free for the event, use one of the prince cards, discover some stuff, and play some lifesteal.

It could all be done in casual and was pretty easy.

I made a deck of all lifesteal cards and discover cards with a hero card and played until it was all done. I made a deck that was all draw cards and the three princes and just played the first one I found then conceded. It was literally less than five games in casual to finish all of it.

That does not mean that no other stuff was awarded. I would expect you would get normal xp as you play normally in addition to the even xp.

If you complete steps to multiple things in the same game, there are many times it does not display all of the steps as being completed but shows them done when you look at the quest screens.

Those are not ‘yours’, they are for eveyone. Apart from these, there are random dailies.

True, except that it can be a chore and take more time than one would like to. Maybe it’s truly easier than it seems — maybe I’d even do it in the end for completion’s sake. On the other hand, building a deck for a mode you don’t play and surviving long enough to draw a hero card can already be daunting.

I haven’t noticed any progress on the ordinary XP track either, which would usually happen.

True, although usually in Mercenaries, for instance, you see a small amount of XP acquired after each battle, if nothing else big has happened. With the event active, it’s those blue things instead.

I did it in 5 games

Not even counting the 1st one where I had it in hand and chose not to play it because I wanted to win the match.

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Hmm… I’ve been doing the old Lich King missions, and although the game tends to crash after a fight, making it difficult to see what’s going on, at some point I received gold after logging back into the game. So there might be ordinary XP there as well.