Thanks to the developers for everything

Dear Hearthstone card designers,

Hello! I am very grateful that you have developed such a fun game that brings me joy every day. One thing that left a deep impression on me was a deck that used to win by giving its minions to the opponent and causing them to discard cards. Unfortunately, as the game has evolved and other decks have emerged, this fun deck has become unplayable.

I sincerely hope that the designers can help restore the strength of this deck. For example, adjusting the card “Treachery” to cost only 1 mana would bring back the excitement of this unique playstyle.

Thank you, and I hope you see my message.

Best regards,
A passionate Hearthstone player

Fittingly named “None” ?


You may also be interested in Silas Darkmoon and other meme cards for wild. What deck are you playing with Treachery? Sounds like some MarkMcKz nonsense and I am here for it


If by “here” you mean his YouTube channel, then so am I. If you mean ever playing Wild, not so much

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I play some of his decks occasionally. None of the ones that seem too complicated, but i like trying unusual combos in wild sometimes. I play in garbage ranks. I can win once in a while


Good ol Howlfiend + Fel Reaver + Treachery


This one looks super fun to me

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For example, the combination of Howlfiend and Treachery , along with Desecration, can make the opponent continuously discard cards. Also, giving the minion Fel Reaver to the opponent can reduce the number of cards in their deck. In my opinion, this is very interesting.

Why be grateful for the developers that single handedly made control borderline unplayable { every fun control card Reno heck even Renthal } Every Expansion They are catering to a faster and faster meta. They are clueless and can’t even handle reasonable criticism. Long games no man we need fast games just to hopefully get you to buy cards or even a $60 Dollar Rag.

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When they hall of famed Ice Block, a solely defensive card, it should have been obvious which direction the game was heading. I’m so glad I disagreed with that decision.

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This deck seems equally interesting. Thanks for sharing. Ha

Why are you glad for disagreeing with that decision? Does your agreement or disagreement play any role in what they do?

Exactly, that’s what I was talking about, hahaha.

The card was problematic because it wasn’t limited to just 2 per deck. With the Discover mechanic, it was more like 4 or more every match.