Thank you for removing leap frogger

thank you blizzard for removing leap frogger from the game.
3 minutes battle phase / 20 seconds buy phase is a BIG BIG no no.

thank you for removing leap frogger
thank you for removing leap frogger
thank you for removing leap frogger


Yeah recurring nightmare and general undead animations are now gonna burn the rope on the buy phase timer instead.


All they had to do was have all the leapfrogger/ RN animations happen at once, showing which cards get hit. But nope, Blizz bigbrains cant manage it.

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You think Blizzard is going to compromise their subjective view on aesthetics to improve gameplay. This is the company that has a lead dev who just announced “3 minions will be 7 mana 7/7 because it sounds good” and “this card will require 42 heroes hp because it sounds funny”. Gameplay is in the backburner if it doesn’t “look good” in their subjective artistic viewpoint.