TEST : Does anyone have anything positive to say at all?

Just thought it may be refreshing and also a could be a little pick me up for myself.
Am also curious for the responses if any :rofl: so…

  1. anything you like or still like about hearthstone?

Disclaimer -
I don’t care for or work for blizzy (not that anyone would care :roll_eyes:)
EDIT - Feel free to troll, it’s free for all.


The majority of “fun threads” that get posted on this forum fall off the first page in about an hour and get zero to very few responses.

Try it.

I like that hearthstone gives me a secondary game to play when I want a break from a BR/FPS/RPG or there are no new quality games coming out.

I dislike much more about it though.


I like that Hearthstone is only on Blizzard’s launcher and doesn’t appear in my eyesight on other launchers/platforms.


Yes. I’m highly enjoying the meta.

Massive hot take, I’m sure.

In fact, this is my favorite meta out of like the last 2 years. I can actually play control priest, the stats say it’s bad, but with a good pilot it does amazing. It’s exactly what I want.


Share your deck please and give us some advice :smiley:

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Thief rogue is my faveroute deck trying to make it work better :slight_smile:
Though when i am chasing ranks i might play less fun decks.


So long as you dodge the tony Druid’s anyway.

But yeah, control decks are often better than the stats make them out to be. It’s nice that not every deck has some kind of game winning inevitability built in now.


Its like that for a simple reason i suspect people dont them right it is possible to win i believe in high legend with them as well.

I have long maintained that deck winrate on hs replay or any other site is not the only metric to judge whether a deck is good or not individual skil with a deck plays a role too.

Tony druid isn’t that hard to beat. Theotar, 2 dirty rats, 2 power chords… someone’s losing an important combo piece lol

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Negative. Obligatory reply to the OP question.

Edit: Jokes aside, seems very sus to mention you dont work for the company and ask for positive things to say about the company. Sounds pretty shillish to me. But Im no expert, where’s ole Bobafett6969420 at? he’d be able to sniff out those pro company shills. :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit’s Edit: More jokes more aside, I like how insanely difficult the game is, keeps on par with how insanely difficult all of Blizzards games are. The AI is next to impossible to beat. infinite replay value there.


Outcast DH is fun and cool. I like Halveria as a character and hope she sticks around a little longer, like Xyrella and the other mercs did.

The flavor of this expansion (FoL) is absolutely top-notch. I hope that things like Big Beast Hunter and Rainbow DK can take off.


Not today I don’t.

I’ve seen thief priest in two of the last three matches and I prolly won’t play standard again until next month because I hate that deck so hard. Thief decks are worse than blood dk, which is absolutely awful. I really think you should have to make your own deck and play it instead of discovering one every game.

Why not just each player roll a 30 sided die on turn one and the higher number wins?

I HATE decks where nearly every card they play generates another card. I think that’s the crux of what’s completely broken in this game - everything does more than one thing or it doesn’t get played. It’s nearly impossible to out do a deck that CONSTANTLY refills from outside the deck.

You can’t just play a card, it has to put another powerful card in your hand/deck, has to discount multiple cards, has to buff crap you haven’t even discovered yet, ffs, or other bullcrap.

There are so many just flat broken things in this meta that we haven’t even gotten to because the fastest decks are too broken fast for people to get these other broken things slapped on them enough to care.

Double the stats of all minions in your deck? Every time you attack you gain the stats of another beast in your deck - and of course you start with rush? You can decide which minions on the board you want to fight to remove them AND you get to put them in your own hand and play them?

This game just sucks right now. If you aren’t generating a second deck or winning before turn six you’re doing it wrong.


The stats say it’s Tier 3. That’s not terrible. You could probably get better performance if you applied yourself to a different deck, but that would probably be considerably less fun.

Of course not. How could you ever find fun in anything but the nonexistent?

the beastly grrrrrr lol
did ya miss the part about me wanting a ‘pick me up’ ? :joy: :rofl:

dont start. get a room.

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Oh I would. But Limey has me on ignore and refuses to reply to me. The only way they’ll ever read my posts is if you quote me…

I came through my procedure fine, and wanted to say how grateful I am for that, and thank those who gave me reassurances.
I think that is pretty positive:)





Well, that was… not positive.
Love ya, Kills. #ItGetsBetter