Tess Greymane replays cards like breakdance

I just played a game where Tess Greymane was played with Maestra and Wishing Well. When Tess Greymane was used it replayed cards like Breakdance which is a rogue card. This is clearly a bug as the card states that it replays cards from another class. Is it possible that the Tourist breaks the functionality?

If a Rogue plays Maestra then the hero card from another class, the Rogue becomes the class of the new hero and Tess will replay Rogue cards


Whaaaaaat? This is crazy! Thanks for the explanation. Didn’t know that this was intended functionality.

Yes, changing hero during the game can change your class
If you become Ragnaros thanks to Executus you can even turn into a neutral class with a few specific interactions
Reno, Lone Ranger however will not turn you neutral, you will keep your current class

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