Team 5 Logic in a nutshell

Makes a 3 Mana Spell for Rogue that draws 2 minions and a weapon.

Gets nerfed hard!

Next Expansion.

Lets do a 3 Mana Spell for Hunter that gives him a random minion, secret and weapon


Random card generation>Targeted tutor.


Party also belonged to a different class, could be (and often was) played for 0 mana, and drew specific minions/weapons. That isn’t to say this isn’t powerful either, but the two cards are definitely different.


A random beast, secret, and weapon aren’t anyway close in power to 3 targeted draws (tutors).

Hunter is probably least able to able random card generation.

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ofc they are and the random effect will not give the same focused use for tempo but still an crazy amount of value.

Wher is rogues fill up cards?

Ahh right. we will get random cards again from other classes. They didnt had time to create rogue cards again

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EVIL Miscreant, Togwaggle, Myra’s Unstable Element, and Hooktusk all fill this role nicely.

Rogue literally has seven unspoiled cards to be revealed.


As others have said generation is inferior to draw bruh.


Just random is less powerful than getting a consistent bunch but the new Hunter card has no restriction on Deck Building compared to Raiding Party or even Master’s Call. You don’t have to give up any option due to deck restrictions and you still get 3 card for 3 mana from a pool of some very good cards one being guaranteed 2 mana secret.

Also this is Hearthstone when has Random ever been much of a Downside. Time and time again random has proven to be amongst the best cards in the game if not the best cards.

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are you seriously comparing that card to pre-nerf raiding party ?

It’s nowhere near on the same level.


Random is a big downside. Drawing cards for the deck is a big boon since those are cards the player designed the deck to used and wanted.

Raiding party gets you 3 cards you want.

Hunting Packs gets you maybe 1 card you want and 2 you could throw out with your unused Mana.


did you notice how different the cards and the classes are ?

i dont think you did

Getting a King Crush on Turn 3 sucks e.g. So can a random secret, random weapon.

Like, you can get King Crush, Gladiator Long Bow and 3th Rat Trap on turn 3. That’s not really good.

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Rogue had 2 mana Add 2 Deathrattle cards; and it’s basically unplayable.

Hunter gets 3 mana Add 3 Random Cards; and somehow people think it’s a great card.

Hunters Pack will end up like Dragons Roar. Everyone loves the card before release, but it’s just not that good to add random cards.

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They aren’t comparable. Thought people’d be smarter than this.


You know better than that.

doesnt surprise me from TC
he made another thread calling scarlet webweaber a problematic card and was unable to come up with an answer when asked why so i doubt he can come up with an answer about why does he thinks this cards are so much alike

Hunter Beasts in Standard-
Shimmerfly, Springpaw, Hunting Mastiff, Scavenging Hyena, Halazzi, Vilebrood Skitterer, Savannah Highmane, King Krush, Starving Buzzard, Timber Wolf, Tundra Rhino, and whatever is in Uldum.
So we have 12 + the expansion 5 2 or less mana, and only 1 over 6 mana.
Turn 5 unless your draw was crap is about when you want to start thinking about playing this card so really only 1 unplayable hit and that’s Krush at 9 mana.

Hunter Weapons in Standard-
Headhunters Hatcher, Eaglehorn Bow and Gladiators Longbow and whatever Uldum Brings.
2 out of 3 we know playable turn 4 as turn 3 you spent playing this card instead of something else because you drew poorly. Often all 3 would be playable shortly after you played this card because ideally you are not casting this on turn 3.

Hunter Secrets in Standard-
Rat, Explosive, Freezing, Misdirection, Snake, Snipe, and anything new.
If you are running this card you are probably not running traps in your deck other than maybe Secret Plan. You are not often going to be playing both copies of this card back to back and even if you did and are running Secret Plan you have only a 1/6 chance to double a secret you have in hand or play or more likely 1/7 because I am sure we probably have a new secret yet to be revealed.

This card has a low chance to completely whiff unless your playing it on turn 3 and hit a secret already in play which wouldn’t happen if you just don’t play any secrets Main deck. So your low roll is Gladiators, Krush and a random secret that is the same as one you got from Secret Plan. After you play this on turn 3 with a Secret Plan turn 1 because your deck either drew poorly or was poorly constructed. Because again THIS IS NOT SOMETHING YOU WOULD PLAY ON TURN 3 IDEALLY. Its more a of a turn 5+ play after you are running out of stuff to do.

i did came up with an asnwer, you seem not to be able to read even

Yikes, i appreciate the irony of the title. Comparing a targeted deck draw with a random generation card.

Dowsha logic in a nutshell

There are dozens of examples of dev-hypocrisy and lack of logic.

This is not one of them.

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