Tavern brawl intended or not?

played an E.T.C. first turn.

opponent played an Avatar of Hearthstone. every minion it played converted to a 1/1 version like they are supposed to.

the banjosaur that was summoned was 1/1. when it attacked my 1/1 minion it then became a 10/7.

I am guessing that w/e beast it drew on attack, gave the original stats BEFORE the 1/1 Brawl conversion?

IDK if this should have happened or not, so I put it here.

Since that’s how the game has been behaving for years we assume it’s intended (thta brawl is far from new).
Cards in your deck are almost always considered with base stats.

In this specific brawl, minions are only set to 1/1 the moment they enter your hand or the board (which means that the cards that you get at first but send back to your deck will be 1/1, unlike those that did not leave your deck that will keep their base stats until drawn)

My opinion is that it’s not necessarily what they wanted, but that due to technical limitations they are fine with that result

first time seen :wink:

seems like they are fine with most everything going on lol.


Unfortunately some brawls are still limited by the core technicalities of the game, which can lead to some of them being pretty unbalanced when those mechanics can be exploited
Lor’themar Theron is another example, since minions are still at base stats in your deck, he will give them their full base stats as a bonus instead of +1/+1
An example that is new to this edition is the Carrier from druid. It will summon 4/1s to deal 16 damage. They will only turn to 1/1s after attacking