Switch to marvel snap

Whatever makes you happy. Personally the only thing good about snap is the card art. The gameplay itself is boring, feels like nothing is happening, and is just not engaging at all.

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C’mon, man…

You try to find an argument in everything. It’s crystal clear what he means by “switch”. Gosh.


The game design for snap is completely lifted from a LCG that went OOP years ago. They just resurrected it for snap but removed some key elements form the LCG that made it more interesting.

This ^ is in keeping with my own experience:

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While I completely agree with the sentiment that if you’re not into total randomness you should switch to a more skillful ccg, I really don’t think marvel snap is what you’re looking for at all. Unless you consider having a thick wallet a skill, in which case marvel snap is perfect for you.

it’s just something to play and it doesn’t feel like just rng trash as this is at the moment.

At this point I can only say that you should finally move on.

Ya’ve been QQing here for a few years at least. It’s a good chance to play a better game.

Ha, give it a couple days.

I got to a point where it was even more samey than HS and not nearly as engaging.

When I see someone leaving Hearthstone, saying I’m happy is an understatement, what does Hearthstone offer? fake rng, fake randomness, pre-ordered games before starting, ij manipulated rng based on the amount of money you spend in the game, and many other nice things

The cards for pure paladin are so insanely OP for the pathetic requirement you don’t see any other deck for the class than pure paladin.

And people used to complain about highlander mage back then with a much more severe deck restriction.

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I’m actually currently juggling 3 CCGs at the moment: HS, MTG Arena and LoR. Just want to collect cards :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

HS I don’t need to play every day, just finish the quests.

MTGA you want to get 4 wins a day which can take between 30-70 mins with my RDW deck.

LoR for best XP per day you want 3 PvP wins, 3 Path of Champions (PvE) wins, and surrender 10 AI and 10 PvP matches. Can take at least an hour but good XP towards your weekly vault.

See how long it lasts before I get tired of it but my goals are to make good inroads on collecting the newest MTG set in a few months time, and collect 90% of Runeterra cards.

As I pay for HS I don’t have much to collect left and can craft anything I want anyway.

Need a side tcg due to hearthstone having atrocious downtime before nerfs/hotfixes. They need a dedicated team solely for balance because this sht ain’t working. Thought about trying Gwent or YuGi Oh, LoR and snap wasn’t for me.

I have been looking at LOR because I have a lot of cards in my collection that I built up. It is also similar to hs paired to snap and game longer.

I can think of a game where that problem isn’t just LIKELY at some point in the distant future, it’s very REAL now.

Also, it’s hard to keep track of where all the old actibliiz devs are shuffling to and from, didn’t brode work on snap? Or was that another former team 5 dev. If it was, I can see someone is trying to get back in the company’s graces.

Yeah it’s him, and he still has that mentality of rng good skill bad. By his own admission, his first thought when working on marvel snap was “how can I add a lot of variance to the game”.

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can you get every normal card they release in 1 year for 240$?