Street Magician golden and Monstrous Macaw golden

I just played a game in battlegrounds as the Great Akazamzarak. I think a change needs to be made. I got Street Magician golden and Monstrous Macaw golden. I thought ya so much secret fun and it was a few moves in the first battle. Then I realize something was happening the macaw would attack I would get 4 secrets almost each time I would get Redemption which revive the macaw and one of the other secrets would be Autodefense Matrix or Splitting Image making it were my opponent could not kill the Street Magician or Monstrous Macaw. This is fun once or twice but it is not if it happens the whole game. The effect of all the battles were so long it went into the next round. I also could tell the opponents were not having fun from the emoji. I have one of four suggestions on how to fix this.

  1. Increase the number of secret in the Great Akazamzarak library. This will decrease the odds of this combo of secrets happening over and over again. Also it would be fun to have more secret choices.
  2. Lower the probability of Street Magician to create Redemption. Like which was done with Ice Block. Please don’t change the probability of it coming up from Prestidigitation. It is a balance secret when not repeatedly comboed.
  3. Reduce the max number of secrets a player can have at a time in battle grounds to 3. This should help with the battle lag with less secrets triggering at a time and lower the probability of getting Redemption repeatedly.
  4. Have the Great Akazamzarak not be an option when beast are in the minion pool. But if a golden Baron Rivendare will make a similar affect, this will not work