Strangest matchmaking ever

I just wanted to link the other thread and for some reason it linked to your post, not his. Sorry about that. Let me see if I can fix it.

edit: Fixed. Sorry Marco.

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:smiley: nice arguments we are talking about matchmaking here not climbing or losing

You keep asserting that you are matched with ā€œcountersā€ instead of favorable matches, which implies that you arenā€™t winning.

I would guess you get stuck somewhere between gold and platinum most months before the rigged match making prevents you from climbing?

I literally linked matches showing the same decks and me winning waaaay over 50% and you just ignored them.

Hereā€™s the deal: I am out of these threads because the fact is you could be slapped in the face with proof that youā€™re wrong and nothing would change in your world.


Well, I wonā€™t discount your findings. They are contrary to my own, but they are no less valid.
Vive la Science

We agree on so few things these days, but Science is Science, and Math does not lie.

is a digital game so of course the game has one ā€¦did you think there is a bunch of people out there manually setting up matches for all HS players ā€¦
after reading your posts it woudlnt surprise me if you did

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Im actually at legend rank already this month aswell but the game is still rigged and this doesnt chance that

If anyone believes this, I have a bridge I can sell them.


Being matched against counters in a row is the expected way of the matchmaker! I got paired against 5 counters in a row and all my favorable matchups disappeared!

Also Iā€™m at legend 4 days in because Iā€™m so good!


It literally takes max 10 hours to get to legend rank but youre trying to change the subject we are still discussing the matchmaking not ranks, the matchmaking in hearthstone is rigged

Itā€™s two days in. Thereā€™s not even a top 200 Legend yet in Americas. 169, to be precise as of this writing. (BTW amazing job mogkupopo, I see you.)

Imagine unironically claiming this at the same time you say that a winrate significantly over 50% is systemically impossible. I think emotedspam just disproved his own argument. If he really did make Legend, I mean.

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Who said i live in usa?

No one. But out of curiosity, what # Legend are you right now?

Facing multiple unfavorable matchups could mean one of two things:
You got unlucky
You were intentionally matched against these decks
Nothing can prove itā€™s either one or the other

572 when i played 2 hours ago

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So what youā€™re telling me is, in the time it takes Americas to get 170 Legend players, and only that many, some other server has more than three times as many. At least.

Youā€™re not going to convince me. To be technical, of anything ever. Enjoy a permanent ignore.


You realize eu has a lot more players? stop being silly, also you cant ignore people on the forums else i would have ignored your trolling ages ago

Hearthstone is still rigged i just feel bad for the new players that are unable to see it

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OO someone struggling to get legend, if i can give you the best tip you will ever read in your lifetime: play quest hunter

Yes all know the game is rigged itā€™s just scam to try make people buy packs